Security Examples

To allow a user, such as a Self Service customer, to view an incident which he has created and has been assigned to a different Service Desk Analyst, do the following:
1. | Within the User Management workspace, on the Roles page, click Service Desk Analyst. |
2. | On the Object Permissions page, click Edit for incident.The ServiceDeskAnalyst accessing Incident page opens. |
3. | Click Add to add a table row for adding a case. |
4. | Select View from the drop-down list. |
5. | Select CreatedBy as the first operator to constrain from the drop-down list. |
6. | From the next drop-down list, select is as the first negation. |
7. | From the next drop-down list, select equal to as a matching value. |
8. | Enter $(CurrentLoginId()) in the last field. |
9. | Save your changes. The case is saved, and is the display changes to read: |
View records where
Incident's CreatedBy is equal to $(CurrentLoginId())
Upon logging in as a Self Service user, the incident grid displays any incident he has created as a view-only entry.

To allow Service Desk Analysts to view and update their created incidents through their lifecycles, do the following:
1. | Within the User Management workspace, on the Roles page, click Service Desk Analyst. |
2. | On the Object Permissions page, click Edit for incident.The Service Desk accessing Incident page opens. |
3. | Click Add to add a table row for adding a case. |
4. | Select Update and View from the drop-down list. |
5. | Select Employee (via IncidentOwnerEmployee) as the first operator to constrain from the drop-down list. |
6. | From the next drop-down list, select is as the first negation. |
7. | From the next drop-down list, select the logged-in user as a matching value. |
8. | Save your changes. The case is saved, and is the display changes to read: |
Update and view records where
Incident's [Profile#Employee.Owner] is the logged in user
Upon logging in as a Service Desk Analyst, the incident grid displays only his assigned incidents.

To allow a Service Desk Manager to update and view incidents created by himself and any subordinates, do the following:
1. | Within the User Management workspace, on the Roles page, click Service Desk Manager. |
2. | On the Object Permissions page, click Edit for incident.The ServiceDeskManager accessing Incident page opens. |
3. | Click Add to add a table row for adding a case. |
4. | Select Update and View from the drop-down list. |
5. | Select Employee (via IncidentOwnerEmployee) as the first operator to constrain from the drop-down list. |
6. | From the next drop-down list, select is as the first negation. |
7. | From the next drop-down list, select the logged-in user as a matching value. |
8. | Click the or the logged-in user's subordinates checkbox. |
9. | Save your changes. The case is saved, the display changes to read: |
Update and view records where
Incident's [Profile#Employee.Owner] is the logged in user (or the logged in user's subordinate)
Upon logging in as a Service Desk Manager, the incident grid displays incidents created by the manager and any employees listed in the reporting hierarchy.