Configure > Setting Up the Application > The Incident Management Wizard

Using the Incident Management Wizard to Set Up Incident Management

The Incident Management Wizard is part of the Application Setup Page. Use this wizard to define how your Service Desk will manage incidents.

Incident Management Page

5. Check Target response time to enable this portion of the escalation schedule. Here, you define a target time to respond to the incident once it has been recorded. This can be dictated by a Service Level Agreement.
  • Enter a number in the field.
  • Select an interval from the drop-down list (minutes, hours, or days).
6. Select the hours of operation for your organization.
7. Set the levels of escalation associated with the response cycle.
8. Indicate the action that occurs when the target time is breached from the After the target time has been reached drop-down list. Select an action to be triggered.
9. Click Save.