Reference > Expressions > Built-in Functions > Numeric and Currency Functions > CurrencyValue


Returns the currency amount of a currency value. A currency value is a combination of the currency amount and the currency code, such as 3 USD.

  • Use this function to return the currency amount portion of a currency value.
  • Use the CurrencyCode function to return the currency code portion of a currency value.



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Business Rules Yes
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Workflow Objects Yes
Reports No


currencyValue The currency value (a combination of the currency amount and the currency code, such as 3 USD) from which to extract the currency amount.

Return Value

Number value. Returns the currency amount of the currency value that was input.



The example above returns "44.2", which is the currency amount of the input.


If Component_Cost is the name of a field that contains a currency value, this example returns the currency amount of that field. If the Component_Cost field contains "24 USD", this example returns "24".