Reference > Expressions > Built-in Functions > Current User Functions > CurrentUserTeamNames


Returns the full set of team names for the user associated with the current session, as defined under the Teams tab on the Employee Details form.

  • Use this function to return a list of all the team names.
  • Use the CurrentUserTeamIds function to return a list of the team IDs for all the teams.
  • Use the CurrentUserTeam function to return the name of the primary team.



Enabled for

Search/Dashboard Yes
Business Rules No
Quick Actions No
Workflow Objects No
Reports No



Return Value

List of text items. Lists of text items are only valid in certain places that accept lists, such as the in list operator in saved searches.



The following example finds the active incidents assigned to the team (including the primary team and all other teams) for the user associated with the current session.

CurrentUserTeamNames() Example