Reference > Expressions > Built-in Functions > String Functions > Decode


Compares one expression to one or more other expressions. When the base expression matches a search expression, returns the corresponding result expression. When no match is found, returns the default expression when specified, or null when it is not. This function is similar to an if-then function.


decode(expr, search, result [, search , result]... [, default])

Enabled for

Search/Dashboard No
Business Rules Yes
Quick Actions Yes
Workflow Objects Yes
Reports No


This function must have at least four parameters, and can have an unlimited number of parameters.

expr Expression to evaluate.
search Text to match exactly with the search expression.
result Value to return if the previous search text is matched.
default Value to return if no matches are found.

Return Value

Number value or text value.


$(decode("Impact", "High", 1, "Medium", 2, "No Matches"))

If the field called Impact has the value High, then this functions returns 1. If the field called Impact has the value Medium, then this function returns 2. If the field called Impact has any other value, this function returns the text value "No Matches".