Reference > Expressions > Built-in Functions > LDAP Functions > DN


Returns the entire distinguished name of the current instance. This expression is used when mapping fields for an LDAP connection. Only use this function in the LDAP expression field mappings.



Enabled for

Search/Dashboard No
Business Rules No
Quick Actions No
Workflow Objects No
Reports No



Optional. The zero-based segment of the distinguished name to return.


Note: If you omit this parameter, if the parameter is less than zero, or if the parameter is greater than or equal to the number of segments, the system returns the entire distinguished name.

Return Value

Unicode text value.


For the LDAP entry CN =John Doe, OU=Developers, OU=Personnel, DC=Company, an example of using the DN function is:

Department = $(iif(DN(1) == 'Developers', 'Research & Development', 'IT')