Reference > Text Edit Options

Standard Text Edit Options

Certain email and notes fields within HEAT enable users to format their HTML messages. These options are not available for plain text.

Text Edit Options

You can enter your message in the text area box, then select the word you want to format. Then select the format you want from the toolbar.

Option Description
Font family Choose a font family from the drop-down list. Only five basic fonts are included.
Bold: Bolds the selected text.
Italic: Italicizes the selected text.
Underline: Puts a single underline under the selected text.
Larger: Makes the selected text larger.
Smaller: Makes the selected text smaller.
Text color: Changes the color of the selected text. The default color is black.
Background color: Changes the background color of the selected text. The default color is white.
Aligns text to the left margin.
Aligns text to the center.
Aligns text to the right margin.
Makes the selected text a hyperlink. Enter the full link address, including http://. The text appears as blue underline, so users know that they can click to go to the link address.
Makes a numbered list from the selected paragraphs, or starts a new numbered list.
Makes a bullet list from the selected paragraphs, or starts a new bullet list.
Source Edit Views and edits the HTML. This does not remove the formatting, but only shows it in HTML form. Click again to turn this off and return to formatted text.
Convert to Plain Text Removes all formatting and convert the message to plain text. The formatting tools are disabled.