Configure > Setting Up Email > Modifying Journal.Email for Reply and Forward

Modifying Journal.Email for Reply and Forward

As of release 2014.3, you can Reply, Reply all, and Forward emails from the activity history email forms. This feature is enabled by default for new users. However, users upgrading from earlier versions will not have this feature automatically enabled to protect their deployed customer interfaces. These existing users can enable this feature as needed.

1. Create a quick action for each function, Reply, Reply All, and Forward. Within the Configuration Console, open the Actions workspace and next to Journal.Email, click Add/Edit. The related actions appear.
2. Create the following actions using the Clone action. (See Cloning a Quick Action.)
3. Modify the Journal.Email form and add three command buttons, referencing the actions you created. Ensure the visible expression is set so that a new journal email record does not show the options. Within the Configuration console, open the Journal.Email business object. From the Forms tab, open the Journal.Email form and add the buttons. (See Using Forms.)

Journal.Email Form with Reply, Reply All, and Forward Buttons