Use > Mobile > Log Into On-Premise with Mobile

Logging Into On-Premise with Mobile

This procedure is for HEAT on-premise users only and does not apply to HEAT Cloud users.

1. In the HEAT Configuration Database (DB), edit the tenant and set the Login URL field to the hostname or fully qualified domain name.
2. In the mobile application, use the URL including the hostname or FQDN as configured in the ConfigDB. For example: http://FQDN/HEAT.

If using SSL for your environment, you also need to do the following:

1. Open the \AppServer\Web.config file with a text editor.
2. Go to the entry called <binding name="WebHttpBufferedBinding".... that has an entry for <security mode="None">.
3. Change the security mode from None to Transport.
4. Save the file.
5. Perform an IIS reset.