Reference > Expressions > Built-in Functions > Control Functions > GetBOValue


This function is only used with the Insert Multi Child workflow block. This function is executed by the Insert Object quick action during run time and returns the value of a field within an instance of a business object.

Use this function with caution. Because it connects with the database, using this function too often can affect system performance.


GetBOValue(recId, boRecId, boRef, boField)

Enabled for

Search/Dashboard No
Business Rules No
Quick Actions Yes
Workflow Objects Yes
Reports No


recId The RecID of the context business object.
boRecId The RecID of the related business object instance.
boRef The name of the business object, such as Profile#Employee.
boField The field of the business object instance (boRecId) for which you want to get the value.

Return Value

The same type as the boField parameter type. For example, if the boField parameter is a DateTime value, this function returns a DateTime value.


Task#Assignment.Details = $(GetBOValue(RecId, 'boRecId', 'Journal#', 'Subject'))

In this example, there are the following values:

If the Journal.Subject value is "Incident 10945 is assigned to you", then the Task#Assignment has in its Details field the following: “Incident# 10945 is assigned to you”