Reference > Expressions > Built-in Functions > Control Functions > IsTrueForAllChildren


Evaluates the childPredicateExpression for each object instance related to (child of) a parent object and returns true only if the childPredicateExpression returns true for all children.


IsTrueForAllChildren(parentObjectName, recId, childRelationshipRef, childPredicateExpression)

Enabled for

Search/Dashboard Yes
Business Rules Yes
Quick Actions Yes
Workflow Objects Yes
Reports No


parentObjectName The name of the parent business object.
recId The RecId of the parent business object.
childRelationshipRef The name of the child business object, including the relationship tag.

The Boolean child search expression. Evaluates all child business objects for the condition.

Return Value

Boolean value. Returns true if all child business objects satisfy the condition defined by the childPredicateExpression parameter; otherwise, returns false.


Use the following example to check if an incident has any open tasks:

$((Status != "Closed" && Status != "Resolved") || IsTrueForAllChildren("Incident#", RecId, "Task#Assignment.Rev3", "$(Status == 'Completed' || Status == 'Cancelled')"))

IsTrueForAllChildren() Example