Administer > Business Objects > Pick Lists

Using Pick Lists

A pick listA list of values shown in a drop-down list or combo box. Pick lists supply other objects with field values and are stored as child objects in a relationship. is a list of values shown on a drop-down or combo-box. Pick lists supply other objects with field values and are stored as child objects in a relationship.

Pick lists are used by validation objects to filter data. See Using Validation Business Objects.

Pick lists can include objects that are standalone records. For example, the StandardUserTeam and Profile.Employee objects control the Team and Owner drop-down lists in many business objects.

Each value in a pick list is obtained from a table row in a business object. For example, the Active Employee List by Full Name pick list derives its values from the Full Name table row in the Profile.Employee business object.

When using a combo-box in the Service Catalog that gets data from a pick list, ensure the pick list is validated. Otherwise, you might see the red invalid value indicator in the field.