Reference > Expressions > Expression Examples Overview > Using Expressions in Searches and Dashboards

Using Expressions in Searches and Dashboards


Searches and dashboards can employ literal text or expressions, such as the following examples:




Searches and dashboards cannot use full expression syntax, but they can use the built-in functions included with HEAT, parsed with $() brackets. See Built-in Functions for information about built-in functions. An example is:


In a dashboard, a common use of expressions is to leverage the DateTime functions available as built-in functions.


Use a Search Expression

The following illustrates using an expression to define a search:

Expression Defining a Search

To use an expression in a search, do the following within the Advanced Search area:

1. In the Contains field, enter a space to activate the Search button.
2. In the left field, enter the name of a business object.

Depending on the business object, the system automatically fills in the search fields with built-in functions associated with the object.

3. In the right field, enter an expression or select a built-in function from the drop-down list.