Reference > Expressions > Expression Examples Overview > Using Expressions in Quick Actions

Using Expressions in Quick Actions

About Using Expressions in Quick Actions

A quick actionA user-defined operation that performs one or more actions with a single click of the mouse. can employ full expression syntax, surrounded by $(). For example:




The following illustrates an expression defining a quick action:

Using an Expression in a Quick Action

Using an Expression in a Quick Action

From the Quick Actions CenterAllows you to create and edit quick actions associated with the workspace or object context., do the following:

1. Place your cursor in a field value text box and enter an expression.


Select either the Insert a Field or Insert a Function tab, navigate to an expression, then drag and drop it into the field value text box.

The items under these tabs vary according to the workspace and logged-in role. These items are HEAT expressions that you can drag and drop into a field when configuring a quick action. If these tabs are disabled, you can access them by selecting the magnifying glass or yellow pencil button at the end of a field line.

2. Repeat as needed for each field value. You can place multiple expressions into each field.
3. Click Save.

Microsoft Excel does not support exported expressions.