Administer > Module Configuration > Inventory Management > Configuring DSM > Configuring the DSM Environment

Configuring the DSM Environment in HEAT

To establish the initial HEAT–DSM environment, do the following:

1. Specify the DSM server URL and restart the FRS DSM Messenger service. See Configure DSM.
2. Ping the DSM server from HEAT to verify connectivity. See Ping the DSM Server.
3. Synchronize software so that software packages and sets on the DSM system are accessible through HEAT. See Synchronizing Software Packages and Sets.
4. Activate software to make it available for installation or provisioning through HEAT. Optional: During activation you can update software parameters, specify whether approval is required, and publish the software by making it available through Self Service. See Activate Software Packages, Software Sets, and Operating System Sets and Specify Approval for Software Packages.
5. Optional. You can update default software package parameters. See View and Edit Default Installation Parameters.
6. Link software packages to FRS software records to enable DSM-managed software to appear in the HEAT software list. See Link Software Packages to FRS Software Records.
7. Create hardware and software profiles for provisioning. See Define Hardware and Software Profiles.
8. Map HEAT configuration items to DSM-managed computers. See Map CIs to DSM-Managed Computers.