Administer > Module Configuration > Release Management

Release Management

Release ManagementThe process of designing, testing, and installing defined changes in the live environment. is responsible for designing, testing, and installing defined changes in the live environment. While Change Management manages the process of change, Release Management manages the deployment of those configuration items that are implemented by Change Management. A release consists of rolling out new or updated software or hardware (configuration items) required to implement approved changes.The implementation of new hardware or software releases combine the controlled process of Configuration Management with the communication and preparation of Change Management. A release is thus initiated as part of the Change Management process and works with Configuration Management.

Release Management is used to distribute and manage the rollout of software and hardware across the entire IT infrastructure. In an IT environment, the goals of Release Management include the successful implementation of new software releases, hardware installations or upgrades, and other IT infrastructure changes that affect business operations. For example, upgrading the email server. Proper software and hardware control makes sure that licensed, tested, and version-certified software and hardware is available for use in the organization.

In HEAT, Release Management provides you with all the capabilities for managing a release while still leaving the process flexible enough for you to incorporate business rules and validations to tailor the release process to fit your organizational needs.

Release Management is responsible for the following:

The following release types are supported in HEAT:

Release Management encompasses the planning, designing, building, configuration, performance testing, and acceptance testing of hardware and software in order to create release components ready for implementation in a production environment. Release describes an authorized change or collection of changes to an IT service. In HEAT the scope of a release can be:

For example, upgrading the entire organization to Windows 7 might be a master release project while one phase might be setting up users' computers and changing their BIOS settings (if necessary).