Reference > Default Quick Actions > Quick Action Templates > UI Action

UI Action Quick Action

Executes a quick action within a form.

You can switch to a designated child tab and open a blank form for a user to fill out. There is no way to pass parameters with this quick action; instead, use the NewObject quick action.

Several incident quick actions are UI quick actions. To see these within an incident record; go to Action Menu > System.


UI Action Quick Action

Parameter Description

The access point of the quick action. For example: CurrentTab:ObjectWorkspace:ObjectView.

  • Application. Performs an action on the application.
  • WorkspaceSelector. Performs an action within the current workspace.
  • ObjectWorkspace. Performs an action within the designated object workspace.
  • CurrentTab. Performs an action within the active tab.
Command ID The command ID that you want to run. For example: NewChildObject
Confirmation Optional. The confirmation that you want to show. The confirmation message appears to the user, at which time the user can continue the action or cancel. See The Confirmation Dialog Box below for more details.
Command Data The data that the command is run against. For example: { ObjectType:"Incident#" , ChildObjectType:"Change#" , NewObjectType:"Change#" }

See Using the UI Action Quick Action to Open Another Workspace and Using the UI Action Quick Action to Open a Workflow for examples on how to use this quick action.

The Confirmation Dialog Box

When a Confirmation is processed, remove it from the command definition by the confirmation dialog handler.


    ‘Title’: ’<text>’,

    ‘Message’: ’<message>’,

    ’Timeout’ : <timeout>,

    TimeoutAction: ’<action>’,

    ’Ok’ :’<action>’,

    ’Cancel’ :’<action>’


Parameter Type Required Description
Title String Required Dialog box title string.
Message String Required Message displayed in the dialog box.
Timeout Int Optional Dialog countdown in seconds. Countdown does not occur if not provided.
TimeoutAction String Optional

Action to be executed when timeout has expired.

  • 'continue'. Equivalent to user clicking OK. Use all lower case.
  • 'cancel'. Cancels the operation; equivalent to user clicking Cancel. Use all lower case.
Ok String Optional

Action for the OK button.

  • Can be 'continue' or 'cancel'.
  • The OK button is not shown if the parameter is empty.
  • The default value is assumed if no value is given.
Cancel String Optional

Action for Cancel button.

  • Can be 'continue' or 'cancel'.
  • The Cancel button is not shown if the parameter is empty.
  • The default value is assumed if no value is given.

For example:

{'Title':'Request to Logout', 'Message': 'Do you want to log out now?',
'Timeout': 30, 'TimeoutAction': 'continue', 'OK': 'continue', 'Cancel':'cancel'}

Types of Actions

All values are case sensitive. Be sure to use the values as documented.