Reference > Default Quick Actions > Quick Action Templates > Start IPCM Voice Activity

Start IPCM Voice Activity Quick Action

Configures and calls a web service for the FrontRange Voice (IPCM) application. Before configuring this quick action, you must set up the voice integration to HEAT. See Configuring Voice Integration.


When the quick action executes, the HEAT server calls the IPCM web service, which in turn launches the voice application chosen, and sets any parameters specified as properties available to the voice application.

When a voice application is started via the web service, there is no active phone call; it is simply an interaction in IPCM terms. If the quick action initiates a phone call, you can use the Make Call block to initiate the call.

Start IPCM Voice Activity configuration page

If the IPCM web service is not configured correctly, the HEAT system cannot retrieve the list of available voice applications and displays an error message.