Use > Incident > Working with Incidents > Assigning an Incident

Assigning an Incident

When the requester calls the Service Desk to report an incident, the incident owner defaults to the Service Desk Analyst who logs the incident and the team defaults to the team to which the Service Desk Analyst belongs. If the Service Desk Analyst can resolve the incident for the customer, it is considered a first call resolution and the Service Desk Analyst and the team of the Service Desk Analyst remain the owner and team to whom the incident is issued.

If the Service Desk Analyst needs to reassign the incident to another team, the Service Desk Analyst must manually change the team and owner of the incident.

When an incident is submitted through the Self Service form or through email, it defaults to a logged state. The Service Desk Manager can search for the incident and assign it to an owner and team. Use one of the saved searches to find incidents that are not assigned or incidents that are breaching. For example, the saved search called All Incidents Waiting for Analyst or the saved search called All incidents Breaching in the Next 24 Hours.

After the incident is assigned, the customer receives a notification that the incident is being worked on and the owner receives notification of the incident assignment.