Use > Incident > Working with Incidents > Responding to Incidents

Responding to Incidents

When an incident is submitted by a requester through the Self Service module, its initial status is set to logged. The status of the incident changes to another state when the Service Desk Analyst assigns an owner. The amount of time that the incident is in the logged state is the incident response timeThe amount of time that the incident is in the logged state.. If the incident response time exceeds a prescribed duration, a notification shows on the Service Desk Management dashboard, and a breached status is indicated on the response progress bar.

When you are notified of an incident response escalation:

1. While logged in as SDAService Desk Analyst or SDMService Desk Manager, from the Home tab select either My Team's Unassigned Incidents or Incidents Pending Assignment.
2. Open the incident record identified in the escalation notification.
3. In the Owner field, choose a name from the drop-down list.
4. Click Save.

About Incident Resolution

The amount of time that an incident is in the logged, active, or waiting for resolution state prior to being resolved or closed is the incident resolution timeThe amount of time that an incident is in the logged, active, or waiting for resolution state prior to being resolved or closed.. When the incident resolution time exceeds the time defined for an incident to be resolved, its status is displayed in the Resolution Target area of the Incident Detail form. Incident resolution can provide up to five increasingly urgent levels of escalation—1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th (or breach).

To end an incident resolution escalation, resolve or close the incident.

Incident Waiting

If the incident is pending a response from the requester, the escalation clock sets back to zero. After a certain amount of time, HEAT sends a notification to the requester if there is no response. If the requester does not respond in the default one business day, the incident is automatically closed.

Incident Closing

If there is no further communication from the requester upon receiving notification about a resolved incident, the incident is automatically closed after 7 business days (as configured by default). You can customize the closure time to meet the business rules for your organization.