Use > Service Catalog > Service Requests > Multi-Item Requests > Fulfillment Item Packages

Fulfillment Item Packages

A fulfillment item package defines a requestable item, the tasks that are performed to fulfill the item, and which organizational units are entitled to select the item. When a Service Catalog user submits a request for a fulfillment item package, fulfillment items based on the fulfillment item package are created and added to the resulting Service Request.

Each item can be displayed as a selectable option to a Service Catalog user. You must create a fulfillment item package for each item that you want to display as a choice to a Service Catalog user.

A fulfillment item package can contain a combination of selectable items from task catalogs and software installation catalogs. For example, a fulfillment item package named Required Software could contain two software installation catalogs (each for the automatic installation of a different DSM-managed software package) and one task catalog for an SDA to manually give a user permission to access the location where the software resides. If a Service Catalog user selects Required Software in a Service Catalog request form, the tasks defined in the fulfillment item package are created upon approval of the request.