Use > Service Catalog > Service Requests > Multi-Item Requests > Task & Software Installation Catalogs

Task and Software Installation Catalogs

Task catalogs define manual tasks that an SDA performs when fulfilling multi-item requests. Software installation catalogs define tasks that run automatically to install one or more DSM-managed software packages.

When a Service Catalog user submits a request for a fulfillment item package, the task catalogs and software installation catalogs in the fulfillment item package are used to create tasks. Those tasks are part of the fulfillment item that is in the resulting service request.

The following sections describe how to create task catalogs and software installation catalogs.

As an alternative to the procedure described here, you can create task catalogs and software installation catalogs from the Task Catalog tab in the Fulfillment Item Package workspace. You can do this while or after you create a fulfillment item package.