Administer > Module Configuration > Service Level Management > Setting up Surveys > Viewing Survey Results

Viewing Survey Results

Viewing, monitoring, and tracking survey statistics is an important task for a Service Desk Manager. Customer feedback in the form of survey responses is a valuable source of data collection for gathering metrics on the effectiveness of the Service Desk in responding to and resolving customer incidents.

Responses to the survey for a specific object are stored on the Survey Results tab of the object record.

When an incident is closed either by the customer or automatically after a defined period of time, an email with the survey link is sent to the customer. After the customer enters and submits the survey, the survey results automatically are listed in the object record.

The Survey Results tab is available only to Service Desk Managers.
1. Within an incident record, click the Survey Results tab.
2. View the question in the Question Text column and the corresponding customer response in the Answer Text column.
3. Click Save.