Configure > Setting Up the Application > My Items > Adding Parent Objects to My Items

Adding Parent Objects to My Items

By default, the My Items table in Self Service is configured to show incident, service request, and approval records, but you can add other object records.

1. Within the Configuration Console Main Menu, choose Business Objects, then open the My Item object. The object details page appears.
2. From the Object Fields tab, choose ParentObjectType. The details page appears.
3. In the Pick List area, click values. The list of parent objects appears.
4. Click Add. The New My Item Object Type window appears.
5. Enter the object type to add.

The New MyItemObject Type Window

6. Click Save. The window closes and the new object appears on the list.

ObjType of FRS_MyItemParentObjType

7. Add translation text. Click (not set) and enter the translated text.
8. Click Close. The window closes and the value is automatically saved.
9. Inspect the status object to ensure the new object statuses have been included. See Adding a Status to My Items.
10. You can create form offerings using this object. See Creating a Form Offering.