Use > Knowledge > Approving Knowledge Articles > The Knowledge Approval Workflow

The Knowledge Approval Workflow

The following topic describes the default approval workflow for knowledge articles. Your administrator may have modified the default workflow.

About Knowledge Approval States

See Default Knowledge State Transitions for information about the states of a knowledge article.

When the status of a knowledge article is updated to in review, a task is created in the logged status and the knowledge approval process starts. The system sends a notification that the knowledge article is ready for review to the appropriate group for the collection.

After the knowledge article has been approved (see Approving a Knowledge Article), the system sends a notification to the knowledge article owner and the status is updated to reviewed. By default, 51% of approvers must approve the article. In all cases, a Knowledge Manager can cast the decisive vote and approve a knowledge article.

The Knowledge Manager updates the status to published when the article is ready to be published. See Viewing Knowledge Article Approvals.

About Knowledge Article Collections

Each knowledge article is grouped under a collection, during the article creation. Depending on the collection in which the knowledge article is grouped under, the task is assigned to a defined corresponding group for approval. For example:

If the collection is:

Then the article is sent to the group:

Company Policy and Procedure

Company Policy and Procedure

Customer Knowledge

Customer Knowledge

Internal Knowledge

Internal Knowledge

IT Knowledge

IT Knowledge

Service Desk

Service Desk

When a new knowledge collection is created, articles grouped in the collection are sent to a contact group called Default Knowledge.