Reference > Default Quick Actions > Knowledge Quick Actions

Knowledge Quick Actions

Knowledge quick actions are enabled only when an incident is resolved or closed. A new article is created in draft status. Select the article and click Go to to open the article, enter other information, then submit it for review.

Action Menu Option

Action Taken

Archive Knowledge Article

Available only to the Knowledge Manager role.


Updates the status of the article to archived.


Note: This quick action is enabled only when the status of the article is published.

Article Feedback

Opens the New Article Feedback window.


Enter your feedback and click Save. Your feedback is linked to the knowledge article and appears on the Feedback tab.

Create Assignment

Creates a task record.

New Document Article

Creates a new document in the knowledge repository with the same summary (title field in knowledge) and description as the incident.


The system creates a new article and puts it in draft status.


Select the article and click Go to to open it. Enter or modify information and submit it for review.

New Error Message Article

Creates a new error message in the knowledge repository with the same summary (title field in knowledge), description, and resolution as the incident.


The system creates a new article and puts it in draft status.


Select the article and click Go to to open it. Enter or modify information and submit it for review.

New Issue and Resolution Article

Creates a new issue resolution article in the knowledge repository with the same summary (title field in knowledge), description, and resolution as the incident.


The system creates a new article and puts it in draft status.


Select the article and click Go to to open it. Enter or modify information and submit it for review.

New Patch Article

Creates a new patch article in the knowledge repository with the same summary (patch name field in knowledge) and description (installation instruction field in knowledge) as the incident.


The system creates a new article and puts it in draft status.


Select the article and click Go to to open it. Enter or modify information and submit it for review.

New Q&A Article

Creates a new Q&A article in the knowledge repository with the same summary (How do I?/How can I? field in knowledge) and resolution (answer field in knowledge) as the incident.


The system creates a new article and puts it in draft status.


Select the article and click Go to to open it. Enter or modify information and submit it for review.

New Reference Article

Creates a new reference article in the knowledge repository with the same summary (title field in knowledge) and description as the incident.


The system creates a new article and puts it in draft status.


Select the article and click Go to to open it. Enter or modify information and submit it for review.

Post Social Message Associated with Change

The Post Social Message Associated with Change quick action in the Incident workspace shares the change on the Social Board.

Publish Knowledge Article

Available only to the Knowledge Manager role.


Updates the status to published and fills in the published date field to the current date.

Submit for Review

Updates the status of the article to in review, which triggers the approval workflow.


Note: This quick action is enabled only when the status of the article is draft.