Reference > Default Quick Actions > Release Quick Actions

Release Quick Actions

No Category

Action menu option

Action taken

Calculate Cost

Updates the Cost field of the release by rolling up the cost of all the associated milestones. The cost of a milestone, in turn, is calculated by rolling up all the completed tasks that are associated with the milestone. Also updates the Time field of the release with the sum of the total time spent on the associated tasks from the milestones.

Form Quick Action

Action menu option

Action taken

Request Release

Updates a release from draft to requested status.

Cancel Release

Updates a release from draft to canceled status (Change Manager).

Updates a release to canceled from any status (Release Manager).

Update Linked RFCs to Implemented

Updates all linked changes to implemented status.

New Milestones

Action menu option

Action taken

New <milestone name>

Creates a milestone record for the release (without an approval workflow).

Search and Link

Action menu option

Action taken

Link Problems from related Changes

If the change linked to the release has a related problem record, copies the problem record linked to the change into the release record.

Link Services from related Changes

If the change is linked to the release has a related service record, copies the service record linked to the change into the release record.


Action menu option

Action taken

Add Notes

Adds a note to the Activity History tab.

Create Announcement

Creates an announcement in Self Service.

Windows 7 Migration Milestones

Action menu option

Action taken

New <milestone name>

Creates predefined milestones for a Windows 7 project.

Create Announcement

Creates an announcement in Self Service.