Reference > Default Quick Actions > Quick Action Settings

Quick Action Settings

The following table contains the Action Settings for quick actions under Create New Action.

Generic Action Settings

These settings are common to all actions.

Field Description
Publish to Determines the roles to which this action is available. The action is automatically available to the administrator and the action owner.
UI Options

Determines which of the following options users will have:

  • Show as Button on toolbar Creates a button on the toolbar that performs this action.
  • Hide from UI Removes this action from the Action Menu.
Save object

Automatically saves any changes to the database that this quick action might perform.  This option only applies when the quick action is performed against a form.

Hide when Hide this quick action under certain circumstances.  Enter the appropriate expression.
Disable when Disables this quick action under certain circumstances.  Enter the appropriate expression.
Confirm before run Prompts you to confirm before running the quick action.
Confirmation prompt Contains the confirmation message.

Send Email Action Settings

These settings apply when creating an email quick action, as well as the generic settings.

Apply Action To

Determines the object or child to which the action applies. See Using the Send Email Quick Action.

Plain Text Sends the email in plain text (as opposed to HTML or formatted text).