Reference > Default Quick Actions > Social Board Quick Actions

Social Board Quick Actions

Two sets of Insert Child Object quick actions are included by default supporting Social Service Management.

The first set of Insert Child Object quick actions is defined relative to business objects, such as incident or change. Use these quick actions to share postings from specific business objects.

For example, the following Insert Child Object quick action is defined in the incident business object:

Insert Child Object Quick Action

This quick action is defined as:

The following field-to-value mappings are defined:

Message $(Prompt("Message", "", 400, 200))
PostedById $(CurrentLoginId())
PostedDateTime $(CurrentDateTime())

The second set of Insert Child Object quick actions is defined in the social feeds business object for creating the respective child business objects such as incident or change based on the information from the posting.

For example, the following Insert Child Object quick action is used to create a new incident business object based on a particular posting:

Another Insert Child Object Quick Action

This quick action is defined as follows:

The following field-to-value mappings are defined:

Profile Link $(CurrentLoginId())
Service $(Prompt("Service", "Incident.Service validated by CI.Service.Name", 350, 25, "", "", "Service Desk"))
Category $(Prompt("Category", "Category of Category used in Incident", 350, 25, "", "", "Service Desk"))
Summary $(Prompt("Summary", "", 350, 25, "", "", "_ConversationTitle_"))
Description $(Prompt("Description", "", 400, 200, "", "", "_ConversationContent_"))

Notice that the field-to-value mappings must be tailored to fit the given business object. The previous example shows that the incident-specific fields are specified with the appropriate prompt expressions.

Two prompt expressions are available for fetching the title and content of the posting, respectively:

The following business objects have the Insert Child Object quick actions included by default:

New Insert Child Object quick actions must be added to support Social Service Management functionality for other business objects.