Use > Common Features > Quick Actions > Using the Export to Excel QA

Using the Export to Excel Quick Action

Microsoft Excel does not support exported expressions.

You can use the Export to Excel quick actionA user-defined operation that performs one or more actions with a single click of the mouse. to export all or some of the field values from a business object to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. For example, you can export some of the field values from a change record to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

1. Open the Quick Actions CenterAllows you to create and edit quick actions associated with the workspace or object context. for the change business object.
2. Click the Create New Actions tab, and then click Export to Excel from the list of options
3. Enter the following information:
Field Description
Set action name A name for this quick action.
Assign a category A category. Select from the drop-down list.
Publish to The roles that need access to this template.
4. Edit, add, or leave the Column Header and Fields to Export values as is.
5. To import relationships, do the following:
a. Click Edit.
b. From the Fields window, double click Relationships.
c. Double click the relationship business object, then double click Fields.
d. Select the field to import from the relationship business object and click OK.
6. Click Save to save the quick action.