Use > Release > Approving Releases

Approving Releases

The release workflows described here reference the default application. You can work with your administrator to create or modify the workflows to better meet your business and organizational needs.

Only release types of majorThis type of change requires a lot of items and/or dependencies and may require other associated change requests. require approval; therefore, HEAT has defined five different workflows to accommodate the various combinations of major releases. They are:

Each release workflow contains defined milestones that are created when you create a major type of release using a release templateA record with several fields already completed by default.. See Working with Milestones for the list of milestones that are created based on the template you select, and see About Milestone Workflows for information about the milestone workflows.

The first milestone defined for a specific release starts when the status of the release is updated to active. When the Release Review Board approves the milestone, the status of the milestone is set to completed and the next milestone in the sequence starts. After each milestone defined for the release workflow is approved and its status is updated to completed, the release status is updated to closed.

The major master location-based workflow is shown as an example:

The workflow shown is the default. You might be using a workflow that has been customized by your administrator.

Major Master Location-Based Workflow

When the trigger conditions are met, the workflow defined for those conditions is started. For this release, there are four milestones defined. Each milestone has its own workflow that runs (see About Milestone Workflows). When the first milestone is approved and updated to completed status, the next one is invoked. After the final milestone is approved and updated to completed status, the release is closed.