Use > Release > Linking CIs and Services to a Release

Linking CIs and Services to a Release

Affected CIs and the impacted services affected by a change are directly linked to the change from the change record. When the change is linked to a release, Search and Link quick action business rules automatically link all associated CIs and services from the change to the release.

However, if additional CIs and services are linked to the change after the change has been linked to the release, you need to use the Search and Link quick actions to move the additional CIs and services from the change to the release record.

For some releases (for example, emergency releases) for which the records are created after-the-fact, you might be linking CIs and services that are affected by the release directly to the release record.

Use the following procedure for the two use cases mentioned above:

Link CIs and Services from a Change to the Release

1. Log in as Release Manager and open the release record to which you want to link affected CIs and services.
2. Choose Action menu > Search and Link > Link CIs from related Changes. The CIs from the change linked to the release appear in the CI tab of the release record.
3. Choose Action menu > Search and Link > Link Services from related Changes. The services from the change linked to the release appear in the Service tab of the release record.
4. Click Save.

If you need to disassociate a CI or a service that is no longer part of a change or impacted by a change, select the record in the CI or Service tab of the release record and click Unlink.