Use > Release > Releases

Working with Releases

Only the Release ManagerResponsible for creating, managing, and executing all aspects of a release, such as preplanning, testing, documentation, and training.and the Change ManagerEnsures that changes are introduced into the organization with minimum disruption to existing services. The Change Manager can initiate a change request, but usually manages the change through its lifecycle. can create releases. Change Managers often create a release while working on a change.

If Change Managers creates a release, they can create the release record and set it to draft status while gathering requirements or formalizing plans and details for the release. When they are ready to submit the release record, they update its status to requested.

If Release Managers create a release, they can set it any state and work on the release. They also work on requested releases and update their status to active.

Depending on your role, you might have access to certain fields and values in the release module. The Release Manager has full permissions to work with the release module. The default application is configured to allow the Change Manager and Release Manager to create releases. The Change Manager has access to a subset of the Release Manager's permissions to work on the release object.

Release Managers and Change Managers can create releases in the following ways: