Use > Release > Approving Releases > Approving Milestones

Approving Milestones

When the status of a majorThis type of change requires a lot of items and/or dependencies and may require other associated change requests. release is updated to active, the approval workflow starts. After the approvers approve the first milestone in the sequence after the milestone status is updated to complete, the next milestone in the sequence starts. After all the milestones defined for a release are approved, the release status is updated to closed.

Depending on how the workflow is configured for the different major releases (by the different combinations of scope and phase), a milestone can be approved by a user or a group. When a group is configured to approve the milestone, the milestone is approved if all the approvers approve it or if only 51% of them do.

By default, emergencyThis type of change is usually a response to a failure or error that needs an urgent fix. Emergency changes must be made quickly and is usually recorded after the change has already been made. and minorSmall changes or changes that have a small/minor affect are classified this way. release types are not part of the approval process.