Configure > Setting Up Email > Email Servers > Creating an Inbox > Add an Inbox that Creates a Business Object

Adding an Inbox that Creates a Business Object

You can create a generic inbox that enables you to create or update any business object. Basically, you create an inbox and define the business object type as Other. You can define field and value pairs in the body of the email that tells the Email Listener what to do.

Use a configurable Field Value separator to separate key and value.

Use a configurable Record Marker to allow multiple records within a single email.

1. Log into the Service Desk Console as an administrator and open the Email Config workspace. The mailbox configuration appears.
2. Click the mail host record. The Email Configuration page appears.
3. From the Inbox tab, click New. A blank Inbox Configuration window appears.
4. Enter information into the fields. See Adding an Inbox that Creates a Business Object.

Inbox that Creates an Incident

5. Click Save.

Given the incident mailbox above, "Summary$Test incident creation"' simply means storing "Test incident creation" in the Summary field. ITo create a new incident, all mandatory fields need to be provided in the email body.

The following email results in the creation of an incident record.

Sample Email Sent when an Incident is Created

Creating Multiple Incidents

The following email results in the creation of two incidents. Note the use of the record marker "^" in the email body.

Sample Email Sent when Multiple Incidents are Created

Updating Records

An incident can be updated using the regular business object type "incident" and status mapping.

Sample Email Updating an Incident

Or as an alternative, you can update incidents using the business object type "other" with detailed field values. The email configuration is the same as shown above. The following email updates two incident records. Note that the field called IncidentNumber is configured in the mailbox configuration section.

Sample Email Updating an Other Business Object