Reference > Default Business Objects

Default Business Objects

Listed are the default business objects provided with the current release.

System objects (such as logonhistory) do not support business rules and cannot be used to trigger a workflow event. Also, any business object system fields (such as LastModDateTime) do not trigger a workflow.

Designer name Display name System object Pure validationobject
Account Account No No
AccountStatus Account Status No Yes
Address Address No No
Address.Email E-mail Address No No
Address.Mail Mail No No
Address.Phone Phone No No
Address.WebAddress Web No No
AddressCountry Country No Yes
AddressLocale Locale No Yes
AddressPurpose Purpose No Yes
AddressState State No Yes
AddressType Type No Yes
AgentStatus Agent Status No Yes
AgentTaskType Agent Task Type No Yes
Alert Alert No No
AlertCategory Alert Category No Yes
AlertSeverity Alert Severity No Yes
AlertStatus Alert Status No Yes
Announcement Announcement No No
AnnouncementStatus Announcement Status No Yes
ApplicationClass Application Class No Yes
Attachment Attachment No No
Audit_Announcement Audit_Announcement Yes No
Audit_Availability Audit_Availability Yes No
Audit_BPConfiguration Audit_BPConfiguration Yes No
Audit_Change Audit_Change Yes No
Audit_ChangeLockout Audit_ChangeLockout Yes No
Audit_ChangeWindow Audit_ChangeWindow Yes No
Audit_CI Audit_CI Yes No
Audit_CmdbImportConfiguration Audit_CmdbImportConfiguration Yes No
Audit_ContactGroup Audit_ContactGroup Yes No
Audit_CostCenter Audit_CostCenter Yes No
Audit_CurrencyCode Audit_CurrencyCode Yes No
Audit_Department Audit_Department Yes No
Audit_Employee Audit_Employee Yes No
Audit_ExternalContact Audit_ExternalContact Yes No
Audit_FAQ Audit_FAQ Yes No
Audit_Frs_AuthenticationProvider Audit_Frs_AuthenticationProvider Yes No
Audit_Frs_CompositeContract_Contact Audit_Frs_CompositeContract_Contact Yes No
Audit_Frs_data_encryption_keys Audit_Frs_data_encryption_keys Yes No
Audit_Frs_data_encryption_publickeys Audit_Frs_data_encryption_publickeys Yes No
Audit_Frs_def_dsm_citypes Audit_Frs_def_dsm_citypes Yes No
Audit_Frs_def_integration Audit_Frs_def_integration Yes No
Audit_Frs_def_integration_connection Audit_Frs_def_integration_connection Yes No
Audit_Frs_def_integration_mapping Audit_Frs_def_integration_mapping Yes No
Audit_Frs_def_WSMapping Audit_Frs_def_WSMapping Yes No
Audit_Frs_def_WSProxy Audit_Frs_def_WSProxy Yes No
Audit_Frs_ExternalLogin Audit_Frs_ExternalLogin Yes No
Audit_FRS_IM_SoftwareFile Audit_FRS_IM_SoftwareFile Yes No
Audit_FRS_IPCM_AgentSkill Audit_FRS_IPCM_AgentSkill Yes No
Audit_FRS_IPCM_Integration Audit_FRS_IPCM_Integration Yes No
Audit_FRS_IPCM_Skill Audit_FRS_IPCM_Skill Yes No
Audit_FRS_IPCM_SkillGroup Audit_FRS_IPCM_SkillGroup Yes No
Audit_FRS_IPCM_SynchStatus Audit_FRS_IPCM_SynchStatus Yes No
Audit_FRS_IPCM_VoiceActivityCallResult Audit_FRS_IPCM_VoiceActivityCallResult Yes No
Audit_Frs_ITFM_Recurring_Service_Subscription Audit_Frs_ITFM_Recurring_Service_Subscription Yes No
Audit_FRS_Knowledge Audit_FRS_Knowledge Yes No
Audit_FRS_LM_Agreement Audit_FRS_LM_Agreement Yes No
Audit_FRS_LM_AgreementType Audit_FRS_LM_AgreementType Yes No
Audit_FRS_LM_Entitlement Audit_FRS_LM_Entitlement Yes No
Audit_FRS_LM_ImportDefinition Audit_FRS_LM_ImportDefinition Yes No
Audit_FRS_LM_Invoice Audit_FRS_LM_Invoice Yes No
Audit_FRS_LM_LicenseModel Audit_FRS_LM_LicenseModel Yes No
Audit_FRS_LM_LicenseModelParameter Audit_FRS_LM_LicenseModelParameter Yes No
Audit_FRS_LM_PurchaseDataImport Audit_FRS_LM_PurchaseDataImport Yes No
Audit_FRS_LM_PurchaseItem Audit_FRS_LM_PurchaseItem Yes No
Audit_FRS_LM_RecognitionRule Audit_FRS_LM_RecognitionRule Yes No
Audit_FRS_LM_SKU Audit_FRS_LM_SKU Yes No
Audit_FRS_LM_SKUQualifyingFamilyLink Audit_FRS_LM_SKUQualifyingFamilyLink Yes No
Audit_FRS_LM_SKUQualifyingProductLink Audit_FRS_LM_SKUQualifyingProductLink Yes No
Audit_FRS_LM_SKUSupportedFamilyLink Audit_FRS_LM_SKUSupportedFamilyLink Yes No
Audit_FRS_LM_SKUSupportedProductLink Audit_FRS_LM_SKUSupportedProductLink Yes No
Audit_FRS_LM_SoftwareFamily Audit_FRS_LM_SoftwareFamily Yes No
Audit_FRS_LM_SoftwareProduct Audit_FRS_LM_SoftwareProduct Yes No
Audit_FRS_Notification Audit_FRS_Notification Yes No
Audit_Frs_ops_change_log_txid Audit_Frs_ops_change_log_txid Yes No
Audit_Frs_ops_package Audit_Frs_ops_package Yes No
Audit_Frs_ops_project Audit_Frs_ops_project Yes No
Audit_FRS_ReleasePackage Audit_FRS_ReleasePackage Yes No
Audit_FRS_Timezone Audit_FRS_Timezone Yes No
Audit_Gateway Audit_Gateway Yes No
Audit_HWIdentity Audit_HWIdentity Yes No
Audit_Incident Audit_Incident Yes No
Audit_InventorySettings Audit_InventorySettings Yes No
Audit_LocationGroup Audit_LocationGroup Yes No
Audit_LoggingConfiguration Audit_LoggingConfiguration Yes No
Audit_ManagedSoftware Audit_ManagedSoftware Yes No
Audit_Manufacturer Audit_Manufacturer Yes No
Audit_Notification Audit_Notification Yes No
Audit_OrganizationalUnit Audit_OrganizationalUnit Yes No
Audit_Problem Audit_Problem Yes No
Audit_Profile Audit_Profile Yes No
Audit_ReleaseMilestone Audit_ReleaseMilestone Yes No
Audit_ReleaseProject Audit_ReleaseProject Yes No
Audit_ScheduledJob Audit_ScheduledJob Yes No
Audit_ScheduleEntry Audit_ScheduleEntry Yes No
Audit_ScoreCardConfig Audit_ScoreCardConfig Yes No
Audit_ServiceReq Audit_ServiceReq Yes No
Audit_SoftwareIdentity Audit_SoftwareIdentity Yes No
Audit_SoftwareMedia Audit_SoftwareMedia Yes No
Audit_SoftwareProduct Audit_SoftwareProduct Yes No
Audit_Task Audit_Task Yes No
Audit_TenantEmailBodyTruncate Audit_TenantEmailBodyTruncate Yes No
Audit_TenantEmailConfiguration Audit_TenantEmailConfiguration Yes No
Audit_TenantEmailFRSApprovalKeyword Audit_TenantEmailFRSApprovalKeyword Yes No
Audit_TenantEmailMailbox Audit_TenantEmailMailbox Yes No
Audit_TenantEmailMailboxMapping Audit_TenantEmailMailboxMapping Yes No
Audit_TenantEmailStatusMapping Audit_TenantEmailStatusMapping Yes No
Audit_TenantEmailSubjectLine Audit_TenantEmailSubjectLine Yes No
Audit_TenantEmailTaskAssignmentKeyword Audit_TenantEmailTaskAssignmentKeyword Yes No
Audit_TenantEmailTrustedSenderDomains Audit_TenantEmailTrustedSenderDomains Yes No
Audit_TenantSelfRegistrationConfig Audit_TenantSelfRegistrationConfig Yes No
Audit_TenantSetting Audit_TenantSetting Yes No
Audit_ValidationListData Audit_ValidationListData Yes No
Audit_Vendor Audit_Vendor Yes No
AuditDayOfWeek Audit Day Of Week No Yes
AuditEventType Global Audit Event Type No Yes
AuditFrequency Inventory Audit Frequency No Yes
AuditHistoryEventType AuditHistoryEventType Yes No
Availability Availability No No
Bookmark Bookmark No No
BPConfiguration Business Process Configuration No No
BusinessEvent Business Event No No
BusinessEventSignificance Business Even Significance No Yes
BusinessEventStatus Business Event Status No Yes
BusinessObjectList BusinessObjectList No No
BusinessObjectLists Business Object Lists No Yes
CABSettings CABSettings No No
Category Category No No
CellphoneType Cellphone Type No Yes
Change Change No No
ChangeBusinessFunction Change Business Function No Yes
ChangeCategory Change Category No Yes
ChangeClosedCode Change Closed Code No Yes
ChangeDetail ChangeDetail No No
ChangeDetail.Install Install No No
ChangeDetail.Reinstall Reinstall No No
ChangeLockout Change Lockout No No
ChangeReason Change Reason No Yes
ChangeStatus Change Status No Yes
ChangeStatusWorkFlow Change Status Workflow No Yes
ChangeSubCategory Change SubCategory No No
ChangeTypeOfChange Type Of Change No Yes
ChangeWindow Change Window No No
ChargeType ChargeType No Yes
CheckList Check List No No
CI.AccessPoint Access Point No No
CI.BatchJob BatchJob No No
CI.Cluster Cluster No No
CI.Computer Computer No No
CI.Contract Contract No No
CI.Database Database No No
CI.Document Document No No
CI.EnterpriseApplication EnterpriseApplication No No
CI.Firewall Firewall No No
CI.Generator Generator No No
CI.Hub Hub No No
CI.Middleware Middleware No No
CI.MobileDevice MobileDevice No No
CI.Monitor Monitor No No
CI.PeripheralDevice PeripheralDevice No No
CI.Phone Phone No No
CI.Printer Printer No No
CI.ProductivityApp ProductivityApp No No
CI.Rack Rack No No
CI.Router Router No No
CI.Scanner Scanner No No
CI.Server Server No No
CI.Service Service No No
CI.Switch Switch No No
CI.System System No No
CI.UnknownDevice UnknownDevice No No
CI.VideoConference VideoConference No No
CI.VirtualServer VirtualServer No No
CI.VirtualWorkstation VirtualWorkstation No No
CI.Workstation Workstation No No
CIBOName CI BO Name No Yes
CIComponent CI Component No No
CIComponent.CustomParameters Custom Parameters CI Component No No
CIComponent.Hotfix Hotfix CI Component No No
CIComponent.InstalledApplication Installed Applications CI Component No No
CIComponent.LocalDisk Local Disk CI Component No No
CIComponent.NetworkAdapter Network Adapter CI Component No No
CIComponent.WindowsService Windows Service CI Component No No
CIComputerType Computer Type No Yes
CILevel CI Level No No
CILevelCriteria CI Level Criteria No No
CINamedRelConstraints CI Named Rel Constraints No No
CINamedRelData CI Named Rel Data No Yes
CIRole CI Role No No
CIServiceMap CI Service Map No No
CIServiceStatus CI Service Status No Yes
CIStatus Configuration Item Status No Yes
CIStatusCIType CI Status CI Type No Yes
ClickToTalkRequest Click To Talk Request No No
ClickToTalkRequestStatus Click To Talk Request Status No Yes
CmdbImportConfiguration CMDB Import Configuration No No
CNet_Manufacturer_Mapping CNet_Manufacturer_Mapping No No
CNetLicenceModel_Mapping CNetLicenceModel_Mapping No No
COE Provisioning Profile No No
COEStatus COE Status No Yes
CommunityString Community String No No
ComputerProvisionAction Computer Provision Action No No
ContactGroup Contact Group No No
ContactGroupStatus Contact Group Status No Yes
ContactGroupType Contact Group Type No Yes
CostCenter Cost Center No No
CostDriver Cost Driver No No
CostDriverStatus Cost Driver Status No Yes
CurrencyCode Currency No No
CurrencySymbol Currency Symbol No Yes
CurrencySymbolPosition Currency Symbol Position No Yes
DelimiterValues Delimiter Values No Yes
Department Department No No
DeviceSubnet Device Subnet No No
DeviceType Device Type No Yes
Domain Domain No No
DSMCategory DSMCategory No Yes
DSMRequestType DSMRequestType No Yes
Employee Employee No No
EmployeeCreationMethod Employee Creation Method No Yes
EmploymentType Employment Type No No
ExternalContact External Contact No No
FAQCategory FAQ Category No Yes
FAQStatus FAQ Status No Yes
FileTypeDiskUsage File Type Disk Usage No No
FRS_Application_Update_Notes FRS Application Update Notes No No
FRS_Approval Approval No No
FRS_ApprovalStatus Approval Status No Yes
FRS_ApprovalVoteTracking Approval Vote Tracking No No
FRS_ApprovalVoteTrackStatus Vote Tracking Status No Yes
FRS_AssetCostType Asset Cost Type No Yes
FRS_AssetData Asset Data No No
FRS_AssetDataStatus Asset Data Status No Yes
Frs_AuthenticationProvider Authentication Provider No No
Frs_AuthenticationProvider.Ldap LDAP No No
Frs_AuthenticationProvider.OpenId Open ID No No
Frs_AuthenticationProvider.Saml ADFS/SAML No No
Frs_AuthenticationProvider.WindowsIntegrated Windows Integrated No No
FRS_Baseline Baseline No No
FRS_BaselineLog Baseline Log No No
Frs_BV_Parameter Business Value Parameter No No
Frs_BV_ParameterCalcType Business Value Parameter Calc Type No Yes
Frs_BV_ParameterDisplayFormat Business Value Parameter Display Format No Yes
Frs_BV_Report Business Value Report No No
Frs_BV_Result Business Value Result No No
FRS_CICategory CI Category No Yes
FRS_CIComponent Component No No
FRS_CIComponent.DisplayAdapter DisplayAdapter No No
FRS_CIComponent.Hotfix Patch No No
FRS_CIComponent.InstalledApplication Installed Software No No
FRS_CIComponent.LogicalStorage LogicalStorage No No
FRS_CIComponent.Memory Memory No No
FRS_CIComponent.Monitor Monitor No No
FRS_CIComponent.NetworkAdapter Network Adapter No No
FRS_CIComponent.PhysicalStorage PhysicalStorage No No
FRS_CIComponent.WindowsService Background Service No No
FRS_Client Client No No
Frs_CompositeContract_Contact Contact No No
Frs_CompositeContract_ContactType Contact Contract Type No Yes
Frs_CompositeContract_Entity Entity No No
Frs_CompositeContract_Identity Identity No No
Frs_CompositeContract_Mapping Composite Contract Mapping No Yes
Frs_data_cost_category Cost Category No Yes
Frs_data_cost_items Cost Items No No
Frs_data_cost_rollup Cost Rollup No No
FRS_data_dsm_inst_params DSM Installation Params No No
FRS_data_dsm_provision_request DSM Provision Request No No
FRS_data_dsm_software DSM Software No No
FRS_data_dsm_software_request DSM Software Request No No
FRS_data_dsm_sync_request DSM Sync Request No No
Frs_data_encryption_keys Encryption Key No No
Frs_data_encryption_publickeys Public Key No No
Frs_data_escalation_watch Escalation Watch No No
Frs_data_expense_line Expense Line No No
Frs_data_integration_history Integration History No No
Frs_data_integration_log Integration Log No No
Frs_data_run_program_log Run Program / Export History No No
Frs_data_service_name Service Name No Yes
Frs_data_Variance Variance No No
FRS_data_Variance_report Variance Report No No
Frs_data_workflow_history Workflow History No No
Frs_data_workflow_instance Workflow Instance No No
Frs_def_dsm_citypes DSM CI Types No No
FRS_def_dsm_inst_params Installation Parameters No No
FRS_def_dsm_installation_state Installation State No No
FRS_def_dsm_maint_window Maintenance Window No No
FRS_def_dsm_platform DSM Software Platform No No
FRS_def_dsm_software DSM Managed Software No No
FRS_def_dsm_software.OSSet Operating System Set No No
FRS_def_dsm_software.SoftwarePackage DSM Software Package No No
FRS_def_dsm_software.SoftwareSet Software Set No No
FRS_def_dsm_software_cat_assn Managed SW Category Association No No
FRS_def_dsm_software_category Managed SW Category No No
FRS_def_dsm_software_set_comp Software Set Comp No No
FRS_def_dsm_software_status Managed Software Status No Yes
FRS_def_dsm_SWAssignableType Software Assignable Type No Yes
Frs_def_escalation_clock_ctrl Escalation Clock No No
Frs_def_escalation_clock_state Escalation Clock State No Yes
Frs_def_escalation_schedule Escalation Schedule No No
Frs_def_escalation_setting Escalation Setting No No
Frs_def_hours_of_operation Hours of Operation No Yes
Frs_def_integration Integration No No
Frs_def_integration_connection Integration Connection No No
Frs_def_integration_mapping Integration Mapping No No
Frs_def_role Role No No
Frs_def_workflow_definition Workflow Definition No No
Frs_def_workflow_inst_status Workflow Inst Status No Yes
Frs_def_workflow_type Workflow Type No No
Frs_def_WSMapping WS Mapping No No
Frs_def_WSProxy WS Proxy No No
Frs_ExternalLogin External Login No No
FRS_GlobalAuditLog Transaction Audit Log No No
FRS_IM_AssetDataField Asset Data Mapping Field No No
FRS_IM_AssetDataMapping Asset Data Mapping No No
FRS_IM_AssetDataRelationship Asset Data Relationship No No
FRS_IM_Change IM Change No No
FRS_IM_Change.Hardware IM Hardware Change No No
FRS_IM_Change.Software IM Software Change No No
FRS_IM_FileInstance File Instances No No
FRS_IM_GatewayProxy Gateway Proxy No No
FRS_IM_SoftwareFile Software File No No
FRS_Installation_Status Installation Status No Yes
FRS_IPCM_AGAuditGroupAgents Voice - Audit Agents in Agent Group No Yes
FRS_IPCM_AgentGroup Voice - Agent Group No Yes
FRS_IPCM_AgentSkill Agent Skill No No
FRS_IPCM_AGInitialAgentStatus Voice - Initial Agent Status for Agent Group No Yes
FRS_IPCM_AGNotReadyReasonReq Voice - Not Ready Reason Required for Agent Group No Yes
FRS_IPCM_AGWrapupTimeout Voice - Wrapup Timeout for Agent Group No Yes
FRS_IPCM_AuditStatus Voice - Audit Status for Agent No Yes
FRS_IPCM_CIAuthentication Voice - Authentication No Yes
FRS_IPCM_CIExtensionLicense Voice - Extension License No Yes
FRS_IPCM_CIG729License Voice - G729 License No Yes
FRS_IPCM_CIKeepAliveMethod Voice - Keep Alive Method No Yes
FRS_IPCM_CITransport Voice - Transport No Yes
FRS_IPCM_CIType Voice - Type of Device No Yes
FRS_IPCM_CIUseSIPAddrForm Voice - Use SIP Address From No Yes
FRS_IPCM_CIUseSIPPortFrom Voice - Use SIP Port From No Yes
FRS_IPCM_EmpInitialAgentStatus Voice - Initial Status for Agent No Yes
FRS_IPCM_EmpNotReadyReason Voice - Not Ready Reason for Agent No Yes
FRS_IPCM_EmpNotReadyReq Voice - Not Ready Reason Required for Agent No Yes
FRS_IPCM_EmpWrapupTimeout Voice - Wrapup Timeout for Agent No Yes
FRS_IPCM_Integration IPCM Integration No No
FRS_IPCM_Language Voice - Language No Yes
FRS_IPCM_NotReadyReason Voice - Not Ready Reason for Agent Group No Yes
FRS_IPCM_Skill Skill No No
FRS_IPCM_SkillGroup Skill Group No No
FRS_IPCM_SupportedUILanguage Voice - UI Supported Language No Yes
FRS_IPCM_SynchStatus Sync Status No No
FRS_IPCM_UserNotReadyReason Voice - Defined Reason No Yes
FRS_IPCM_VoiceActivityCallResult Activity Call Result No No
FRS_IPCM_VoiceActivityCallType Voice Activity Call Type No Yes
FRS_IPRange IP-Range No No
Frs_ITFM_Account ITFM Charging Account No No
Frs_ITFM_Account_Status ITFM Charging Account Status No Yes
Frs_ITFM_Cost_Driver ITFM Cost Driver No No
Frs_ITFM_Cost_Driver_Category ITFM Cost Driver Category No Yes
Frs_ITFM_ITOverheadCost ITFM IT Overhead Cost No No
Frs_ITFM_Recurring_Service_Subscription ITFM Recurring Service Subscription No No
Frs_ITFM_RollupLog ITFM Rollup Log No No
Frs_ITFM_Transaction ITFM Cost Item No No
FRS_Knowledge Knowledge No No
FRS_Knowledge.Document Document No No
FRS_Knowledge.ErrorMessage Error Message No No
FRS_Knowledge.IssueResolution Issue and Resolution No No
FRS_Knowledge.Patch Patch No No
FRS_Knowledge.QandA Q & A No No
FRS_Knowledge.Reference Reference No No
FRS_LM_Agreement Agreement No No
FRS_LM_AgreementType Agreement Type No No
FRS_LM_Entitlement Entitlement No No
FRS_LM_ImportBusinessObjectName Import Business Object Name No Yes
FRS_LM_ImportDefinition Import Definition No No
FRS_LM_ImportMapping Import Mapping No No
FRS_LM_ImportType Import Type No Yes
FRS_LM_InternalSQPLink Internal SQP Link No No
FRS_LM_InternalSSPLink Internal SSP Link No No
FRS_LM_Invoice Invoice No No
FRS_LM_LicenseModel License Model No No
FRS_LM_LicenseModelBasicType License Model Basic Type No Yes
FRS_LM_LicenseModelParameter License Model Parameter No No
FRS_LM_ManuComplianceLink Manufacturer Compliance Link No No
FRS_LM_ManufacturerComplianceSummary Manufacturer Compliance Summary No No
FRS_LM_ProdComplianceLink Product Compliance Link No No
FRS_LM_ProductComplianceSummary Product Compliance Summary No No
FRS_LM_PurchaseDataImport Purchase Data Import No No
FRS_LM_PurchaseImportValidation Purchase Import Validation No No
FRS_LM_PurchaseItem Purchase Item No No
FRS_LM_RecognitionRule Software Recognition Rule No No
FRS_LM_SKUAllocationSummary SKU Allocation Summary No No
FRS_LM_SKUQualifyingFamilyLink SKU Qualifying Family Link No No
FRS_LM_SKUQualifyingProductLink SKU Qualifying Product Link No No
FRS_LM_SKUSupportedFamilyLink SKU Supported Family Link  No No
FRS_LM_SKUSupportedProductLink SKU Supported Product Link No No
FRS_LM_SKUType SKU Type No Yes
FRS_LM_SoftwareFamily Software Family No No
FRS_LM_SoftwareProduct Software Product No No
FRS_MyItem My Item No No
FRS_MyItemParentObjType My Item Object Type No Yes
FRS_MyItemStatus My Item Status No Yes
FRS_Notification Notification No No
FRS_NotificationType Notification Type No Yes
Frs_ops_change_log HEAT Transaction Detail No No
Frs_ops_change_log_txid HEAT Transaction Set No No
FRS_ops_dsm_integration DSM Operations Integration No No
Frs_ops_gbu_pipeline_history Generic Bulk Upload Pipeline History No No
Frs_ops_integration_queue Integration Queue No No
Frs_ops_package HEAT Release Package No No
Frs_ops_patch_log Patch Log No No
Frs_ops_project HEAT Release Project No No
Frs_ops_validation_results Validation Results No No
FRS_PriceItem Price List Item No No
Frs_PriceItem_UnitOfMeasure Unit Of Measure No Yes
FRS_PriceItemRecurrence Price Item Recurrence No Yes
FRS_PriceItemType Price Item Type No Yes
FRS_PriceVariance Price Variance No No
FRS_ProvisioningProfileHW Hardware Profile No No
FRS_ProvisioningProfileSW Software Profile No No
FRS_ReleasePackage Release Package No No
FRS_RiskAnswer Risk Answer No No
FRS_RiskCatalog Risk Catalog No No
FRS_RiskQuestion Risk Question No No
FRS_RiskQuestionAnswer Risk Question Answer No No
FRS_ServerType Server Type No Yes
Frs_ServiceReqPriceItem Service Request Price Item No No
FRS_SlaveTenants Slave Tenants No No
FRS_Software Software No No
FRS_Survey Survey No No
FRS_SurveyAnswer Survey Response Item No No
FRS_SurveyOwnerTeamView Survey Owner Team View No No
FRS_SurveyOwnerView Survey Owner View No No
FRS_SurveyResults Survey Result No No
FRS_SurveyServiceView Survey Service View No No
FRS_SurveySession Survey Response No No
Frs_TenantPassWdPolicyConfig New Tenant Password Policy Configuration No No
FRS_Timezone Timezone No No
FulfillmentItem Fulfillment Item No No
FulfillmentItemPackage Fulfillment Item Package No No
FulfillmentItemPackageStatus Fulfillment Item Package Status No Yes
FulfillmentItemPackageType Fulfillment Item Package Type No Yes
FulfillmentItemStatus Fulfillment Item Status No Yes
Gateway Gateway No No
GatewayEdition Gateway Edition No Yes
GatewayStatus Gateway Status No Yes
GatewaySubnet Gateway Subnet No No
GlobalDomain Global Domain No No
GroupApprovalStatus Group Approval Status No Yes
GuestHostRelationship Guest Host Relationship No No
GuestHostRelationshipType Guest Host Relationship Type No Yes
HardwareProfile Hardware Profile No No
HWIdentity Hardware Identity No No
HWIdentity.Computer Computer Hardware Identity No No
HWIdentity.NetworkDevice Network Device Hardware Identity No No
HWIdentity.Printer Printer Hardware Identity No No
HWProfileHWType Hardware Type for Hardware Profile No Yes
Impact Impact No Yes
Incident Incident No No
IncidentBreachReasonCode Incident Breach Reason Code No No
IncidentBreachResponsibility Incident Breach Responsibility No No
IncidentCauseCode Incident Cause Code No Yes
IncidentDetail Incident Detail No No
IncidentDetail.AccountLockout IncidentDetail.AccountLockout No No
IncidentDetail.ComputerProvisioning Computer Provisioning No No
IncidentDetail.EmployeeAction Employee Action No No
IncidentDetail.SoftwareFailure Software Failure No No
IncidentDetail.SoftwareInstallation Software Installation No No
IncidentDetail.WebsiteFailure IncidentDetail.WebsiteFailure No No
IncidentDetailActionNeeded Incident Detail Action Needed No Yes
IncidentPriority Incident Priority No Yes
IncidentSource Incident Source No Yes
IncidentStatus Incident Status No Yes
IncidentType Incident Type No Yes
InventorySettings Inventory Settings No No
InventorySoftwareFile Inventory Software File No No
JobClass Job Class No Yes
JobTitle Job Title No Yes
Journal Activity History No No
Journal.Email Email No No
Journal.Notes Notes No No
Journal.VoiceActivity Voice Activity Log No No
JournalEmailCategory Journal Email Category No Yes
JournalNotesCategory Journal Notes Category No Yes
JournalNotesSource Journal Notes Source No Yes
Justification Justification No Yes
KeyStrength Key Strength No Yes
KMFeedback Knowledge Feedback No No
KMFeedback.ArticleFeedback Article Feedback No No
KnowledgeCategory Knowledge Category No Yes
KnowledgeEnvironment Knowledge Environment No Yes
KnowledgeFlaggedReason Knowledge Flagged Reason No Yes
KnowledgeRepositories Knowledge Repositories No Yes
KnowledgeStatus Knowledge Status No Yes
KnowledgeSubCategory Knowledge SubCategory No Yes
KnowledgeType Knowledge Type No Yes
KnowledgeUserRating Knowledge User Rating No Yes
LanguageLocale Language Locale No Yes
LDAPImportLog LDAP Import Log No No
LicenseAgreement License Agreement No No
LicenseAgreementType Old License Agreement Type No No
LicenseContractType License Contract Type No Yes
LicenseManagerTaskType License Manager Task Type No Yes
LicenseUsage Frs License Usage No No
LicensingModel Licensing Model No Yes
LicensingProgram Licensing Program No Yes
LicensingType Licensing Type No Yes
LMAgreement Old Agreement No No
LMAgreementType Old Agreement Type No Yes
LMProofOfEntitlementType Proof Of Entitlement Type No Yes
LMPurchaseItem Old Purchase Item No No
LMSource LM Source No Yes
LMVersionMaintenanceEntitlement Version Maintenance Entitlement No No
Location Location No No
LocationGroup LocationGroup No Yes
LocationGroup.CI CI Location No No
LocationGroup.DHS Definitive Hardware Storage No No
LocationGroup.DSL Definitive Software Library No No
LocationGroup.EmployeeSite Employee Location No No
LoggingConfiguration Logging Configuration No No
LogLevel Logging Level No Yes
LogonHistory Logon History No No
Logs Logs No No
MachineType Machine Type No Yes
ManagedInstallationState Old Managed Installation State No No
ManagedInstallationStatus Old Managed Installation Status No No
ManagedSoftware Managed Software No No
ManagedSoftware.OperatingSystemSet Operating System Set No No
ManagedSoftware.SoftwarePackage Software Package No No
ManagedSoftware.SoftwareSet Software Set No No
ManagedSoftwareCategory Managed Software Category No No
ManagedSoftwareStatus Managed Software Status No No
ManagedSWCategoryAssociation Managed Software Category Association No No
Manufacturer Manufacturer No No
MaterializedIncident Materialized Incident No No
MDI_ChangeUrl MDI_ChangeUrl No No
MDI_WiFiConfiguration MDI_WiFiConfiguration No No
MDI_WiFiEncryption MDI_WiFiEncryption No Yes
MobileCatalog Mobile Catalog No No
MobilePlatform Mobile Platform No Yes
MonthName Month Name No Yes
MyShelfItem My Shelf Item No No
NamePrefix Name Prefix No Yes
NameSuffix Name Suffix No Yes
Notification Notification No No
NotificationPriority Notification Priority No Yes
NotificationStatus Notification Status No Yes
NumberOfUsers Number Of Users No No
OLAMetricView OLA Metric View No No
OLAStatus OLA Status No Yes
OLATargetComplianceView OLA Target Compliance View No No
OrderedSoftwareCatalogItem Ordered Catalog Item No No
OrganizationalUnit Organizational Unit No No
OrganizationalUnitType Organizational Unit Type No Yes
OSLocaleTypes Operating System Locale Types No No
OSProductTypes Operating System Product Types No Yes
OutageLog Outage Log No No
OutageLogCategory Outage Log Category No Yes
ParameterType Parameter Type No Yes
PIRResult PIR Result No Yes
PIRStatus PIR Status No Yes
PlannedCI Planned CI No No
PlannedCIManagedProperty Planned CI Managed Property No Yes
PlannedCIProposedChange Planned CI Proposed Change No No
Problem Problem No No
ProblemCategory Problem Category No Yes
ProblemPriority Problem Priority No Yes
ProblemResolutionAction Problem Resolution Action No Yes
ProblemSource Problem Source No Yes
ProblemStatus Problem Status No No
ProblemStatusWorkflow Problem Status Workflow No Yes
ProblemType Problem Type No Yes
ProblemTypeOfOwnership Problem Type Of Ownership No Yes
ProblemWorkaround Problem Workaround No No
Profile Profile Base No No
Profile.BusinessUnit Business Unit No No
ProfileEmployeeStatus Profile Employee Status No Yes
ProgressBarPosition Progress Bar Position No Yes
ProvisonRequestType ProvisIon Request Type No Yes
RecurringSubscriptionStatus Recurring Subscription Status No Yes
Region Region No No
ReleaseMilestone Milestone No No
ReleaseMilestoneEnvironment Release Milestone Environment No Yes
ReleaseMilestoneStatus Release Milestone Status No Yes
ReleaseMilestoneSubject Release Milestone Subject No Yes
ReleasePackageStatus Release Package Status No Yes
ReleasePackageType Release Package Type No Yes
ReleaseProject Release No No
ReleaseProjectBaseType Release Project Base Type No Yes
ReleaseProjectCategory Release Project Category No No
ReleaseProjectClassification Release Project Classification No Yes
ReleaseProjectStatus Release Project Status No Yes
ReleaseProjectType Release Project Type No Yes
RequestStatus Request Status No Yes
RiskLevel Risk Level No Yes
ScanMethod Scan Method No Yes
ScheduledJob Scheduled Job No No
ScheduledJobHistory Scheduled Job History No No
ScheduleEntry Schedule Entry No No
ScheduleEntry.DailySchedule Daily Schedule No No
ScheduleEntry.HourlySchedule Hourly Schedule No No
ScheduleEntry.MonthlySchedule Monthly Schedule No No
ScheduleEntry.WeeklySchedule Weekly Schedule No No
ScheduleEntry.YearlySchedule Yearly Schedule No No
ScheduleRecurrenceType Schedule Recurrence Type No Yes
ScoreCardConfig ScoreCard Configuration No No
ServiceAgreement Service Agreement No No
ServiceAgreement.OLA Operational Level Agreement No No
ServiceAgreement.SLA Service Level Agreement No No
ServiceAgreement.UC Underpinning Contract No No
ServiceAgreementStatus Service Agreement Status No Yes
ServiceCatalogBusinessFunction Service Catalog Business Function No Yes
ServiceCatalogStatus Service Status No Yes
ServiceComplianceTrendView Service Compliance Trend View No No
ServiceLevelObjective Service Level Objective No No
ServiceLevelPackage Service Level Package No No
ServiceLevelPackageStatus Service Level Package Status No Yes
ServiceLevelTarget Service Level Target No No
ServiceLevelTarget.AcceptanceSLT Task Acceptance Target No No
ServiceLevelTarget.CompletionSLT Task Completion Target No No
ServiceLevelTarget.DeliverySLT Service Request Delivery Target No No
ServiceLevelTarget.GeneralSLT Service Level Target - General No No
ServiceLevelTarget.ResolutionSLT Incident Resolution Target No No
ServiceLevelTarget.ResponseSLT Incident Response Target No No
ServiceLevelTargetStatus Service Level Target Status No Yes
ServiceOutage Service Outage No No
ServiceOutageStatus Service Outage Status No Yes
ServiceReq Service Request No No
ServiceReqCategory Service Request Category No No
ServiceReqDeliveryAvgView Service Request Delivery Average View No No
ServiceReqFulfillmentPlan Service Request Fulfillment Plan No No
ServiceReqFulfillmentPlan.Email Email Plan No No
ServiceReqFulfillmentPlan.None None No No
ServiceReqFulfillmentPlan.QuickAction QuickAction Plan No No
ServiceReqFulfillmentPlan.Workflow Workflow Plan No No
ServiceReqParam Service Request Parameter No No
ServiceReqParamLink Service Request Parameter Link No No
ServiceReqRelatedSubscription Service Request Related Subscription No No
ServiceReqStatus Service Request Status No Yes
ServiceReqSubscription Service Request Subscription No No
ServiceReqSubscriptionParam Service Request Subscription Parameter No No
ServiceReqTemplate Service Request Template No No
ServiceReqTemplateEntityAccess Service Request Template Entity Access No No
ServiceReqTemplateParam Service Request Template Parameter No No
ServiceReqTemplateParamValid Service Request Template Param Valid No No
ServiceType Service Type No Yes
ShippingCatalog Shipping Catalog No No
SLAComplianceView SLA Compliance View No No
SLAStatus SLA Status No Yes
SLATargetComplianceView SLA Target Compliance View No No
SLMMetricsView SLM Metrics View No No
SLTUnit SLTUnit No Yes
SnmpAlgorithm Snmp Algorithm No No
SnmpAlgorithm.Auth SnmpAlgorithm.Auth No Yes
SnmpAlgorithm.Priv SnmpAlgorithm.Priv No Yes
SnmpOidLookup SNMP OID Lookup No No
SnmpProtocol SNMP Protocol No No
SnmpSecurityLevel Snmp Security Level No Yes
SnmpVersion Snmp Version No Yes
SocialFeeds Social Feeds No No
SocialGroups Social Groups No No
Software Software No No
SoftwareAction Software Action No No
SoftwareActionRequestType Software Action Request Type No Yes
SoftwareCatalogItem Software Catalog Item No No
SoftwareFamily Old Software Family No No
SoftwareIdentity Software Identity No No
SoftwareLanguage Software Language No No
SoftwareMedia Software Media No No
SoftwareProduct Old Software Product No No
SoftwareProductCategory Software Product Category No Yes
SoftwareRequestType Software Request Type No Yes
SoftwareType Software Type No Yes
SpaceType Space Type No Yes
StandardUserTeam Standard User Team No No
StoreJournalEmailAs Store Journal Email As No Yes
SubCategory SubCategory No Yes
SupportingOrganization Supporting Organization No No
SurveyMetricView Survey Metric View No No
SurveySessionSummaryView Survey Session Summary View No No
SWCatalogItemQualifyingSoftware Qualifying Software No No
SWCatalogItemSupportedSoftware Supported Software No No
SyncRequestType Sync Request Type No Yes
SystemTask System Task No No
SystemTask.Agent Agent Task No No
SystemTask.Inventory SystemTask.Inventory No No
SystemTask.LicenseManager SystemTask.LicenseManager No No
SystemTask.Reconciliation SystemTask.Reconciliation No No
SystemTaskStatus System Task Status No Yes
TargetVariant Target Condition No No
TargetVariant.Common Target Condition No No
TargetVariant.ServiceReq Request Offering Condition No No
TargetVariant.TaskCatalog Target Variant Task Catalog No No
TargetVariantStatus Target Variant Status No Yes
Task Task group No No
Task.Assignment Task No No
Task.ComputerProvisioning Task.ComputerProvisioning No No
Task.DSM_SoftwareActivation Task.DSM_SoftwareActivation No No
Task.SoftwareInstallation Task.SoftwareInstallation No No
Task.WorkOrder External Task No No
TaskAssignmentStatus Internal Assignment Status No Yes
TaskCatalog Task Catalog Group No No
TaskCatalog.Assignment Task Catalog Item No No
TaskCatalog.SoftwareInstallation Task Catalog Software Installation No No
TaskCatalog.WorkOrder Task Catalog Item - External Task No No
TaskCatalogStatus Task Catalog Status No Yes
TaskPriority Task Priority No Yes
TaskPurchaseRequestStatus Task Purchase Request Status No No
TaskWorkOrderStatus External Assignment Status No Yes
TenantEmailBodyTruncate Truncate Body Rule No No
TenantEmailBONameMapping Email Object Name Mapping No No
TenantEmailConfiguration Tenant Email Configuration No No
TenantEmailFRSApprovalKeyword FRS Approval Status Keyword No No
TenantEmailMailbox Inbox No No
TenantEmailMailboxMapping Tenant Email Mailbox Mapping No No
TenantEmailMailboxProtocol Tenant Email Mailbox Protocol No Yes
TenantEmailMboxAuthMethod Tenant Email Mbox Auth Method No Yes
TenantEmailStatusMapping Tenant Email Status Mapping No No
TenantEmailSubjectLine Tenant Email Subject Line No No
TenantEmailTaskAssignmentKeyword Task Assignment Status Keyword No No
TenantEmailTrustedSenderDomains Trusted Sender Domain No No
TenantSelfRegistrationConfig Tenant Self Registration Config No No
TenantSetting Tenant Setting No No
TimeUnit Time Unit No Yes
TimeZoneInfo Time Zone Info No Yes
TypeOfApproval Type of Approval No Yes
UCMetricView UCMetricView No No
UCStatus UC Status No Yes
UCTargetComplianceView UC Target Compliance View No No
Urgency Urgency No Yes
UsageFrequency Usage Frequency No Yes
UserPresence User Presence No No
ValidationListData Validation List Data No No
Vendor Vendor No No
VersionMaintenanceEntitlement Version Maintenance Entitlement No No
VoiceActivityCallResult Voice Activity Call Result No Yes
VoiceActivityCallType Voice Activity Type No Yes
WeekDays Week Days No Yes
WeekNumber Week Number No Yes
WorkaroundEnvironment Workaround Environment No Yes
YesOrNo Yes Or No No Yes