Default Business Objects
Listed are the default business objects provided with the current release.
System objects (such as logonhistory) do not support business rules and cannot be used to trigger a workflow event. Also, any business object system fields (such as LastModDateTime) do not trigger a workflow.
Designer name | Display name | System object | Pure validationobject |
Account | Account | No | No |
AccountStatus | Account Status | No | Yes |
Address | Address | No | No |
Address.Email | E-mail Address | No | No |
Address.Mail | No | No | |
Address.Phone | Phone | No | No |
Address.WebAddress | Web | No | No |
AddressCountry | Country | No | Yes |
AddressLocale | Locale | No | Yes |
AddressPurpose | Purpose | No | Yes |
AddressState | State | No | Yes |
AddressType | Type | No | Yes |
AgentStatus | Agent Status | No | Yes |
AgentTaskType | Agent Task Type | No | Yes |
Alert | Alert | No | No |
AlertCategory | Alert Category | No | Yes |
AlertSeverity | Alert Severity | No | Yes |
AlertStatus | Alert Status | No | Yes |
Announcement | Announcement | No | No |
AnnouncementStatus | Announcement Status | No | Yes |
ApplicationClass | Application Class | No | Yes |
Attachment | Attachment | No | No |
Audit_Announcement | Audit_Announcement | Yes | No |
Audit_Availability | Audit_Availability | Yes | No |
Audit_BPConfiguration | Audit_BPConfiguration | Yes | No |
Audit_Change | Audit_Change | Yes | No |
Audit_ChangeLockout | Audit_ChangeLockout | Yes | No |
Audit_ChangeWindow | Audit_ChangeWindow | Yes | No |
Audit_CI | Audit_CI | Yes | No |
Audit_CmdbImportConfiguration | Audit_CmdbImportConfiguration | Yes | No |
Audit_ContactGroup | Audit_ContactGroup | Yes | No |
Audit_CostCenter | Audit_CostCenter | Yes | No |
Audit_CurrencyCode | Audit_CurrencyCode | Yes | No |
Audit_Department | Audit_Department | Yes | No |
Audit_Employee | Audit_Employee | Yes | No |
Audit_ExternalContact | Audit_ExternalContact | Yes | No |
Audit_FAQ | Audit_FAQ | Yes | No |
Audit_Frs_AuthenticationProvider | Audit_Frs_AuthenticationProvider | Yes | No |
Audit_Frs_CompositeContract_Contact | Audit_Frs_CompositeContract_Contact | Yes | No |
Audit_Frs_data_encryption_keys | Audit_Frs_data_encryption_keys | Yes | No |
Audit_Frs_data_encryption_publickeys | Audit_Frs_data_encryption_publickeys | Yes | No |
Audit_Frs_def_dsm_citypes | Audit_Frs_def_dsm_citypes | Yes | No |
Audit_Frs_def_integration | Audit_Frs_def_integration | Yes | No |
Audit_Frs_def_integration_connection | Audit_Frs_def_integration_connection | Yes | No |
Audit_Frs_def_integration_mapping | Audit_Frs_def_integration_mapping | Yes | No |
Audit_Frs_def_WSMapping | Audit_Frs_def_WSMapping | Yes | No |
Audit_Frs_def_WSProxy | Audit_Frs_def_WSProxy | Yes | No |
Audit_Frs_ExternalLogin | Audit_Frs_ExternalLogin | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_IM_SoftwareFile | Audit_FRS_IM_SoftwareFile | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_IPCM_AgentSkill | Audit_FRS_IPCM_AgentSkill | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_IPCM_Integration | Audit_FRS_IPCM_Integration | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_IPCM_Skill | Audit_FRS_IPCM_Skill | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_IPCM_SkillGroup | Audit_FRS_IPCM_SkillGroup | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_IPCM_SynchStatus | Audit_FRS_IPCM_SynchStatus | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_IPCM_VoiceActivityCallResult | Audit_FRS_IPCM_VoiceActivityCallResult | Yes | No |
Audit_Frs_ITFM_Recurring_Service_Subscription | Audit_Frs_ITFM_Recurring_Service_Subscription | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_Knowledge | Audit_FRS_Knowledge | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_LM_Agreement | Audit_FRS_LM_Agreement | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_LM_AgreementType | Audit_FRS_LM_AgreementType | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_LM_Entitlement | Audit_FRS_LM_Entitlement | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_LM_ImportDefinition | Audit_FRS_LM_ImportDefinition | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_LM_Invoice | Audit_FRS_LM_Invoice | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_LM_LicenseModel | Audit_FRS_LM_LicenseModel | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_LM_LicenseModelParameter | Audit_FRS_LM_LicenseModelParameter | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_LM_PurchaseDataImport | Audit_FRS_LM_PurchaseDataImport | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_LM_PurchaseItem | Audit_FRS_LM_PurchaseItem | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_LM_RecognitionRule | Audit_FRS_LM_RecognitionRule | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_LM_SKU | Audit_FRS_LM_SKU | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_LM_SKUQualifyingFamilyLink | Audit_FRS_LM_SKUQualifyingFamilyLink | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_LM_SKUQualifyingProductLink | Audit_FRS_LM_SKUQualifyingProductLink | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_LM_SKUSupportedFamilyLink | Audit_FRS_LM_SKUSupportedFamilyLink | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_LM_SKUSupportedProductLink | Audit_FRS_LM_SKUSupportedProductLink | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_LM_SoftwareFamily | Audit_FRS_LM_SoftwareFamily | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_LM_SoftwareProduct | Audit_FRS_LM_SoftwareProduct | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_Notification | Audit_FRS_Notification | Yes | No |
Audit_Frs_ops_change_log_txid | Audit_Frs_ops_change_log_txid | Yes | No |
Audit_Frs_ops_package | Audit_Frs_ops_package | Yes | No |
Audit_Frs_ops_project | Audit_Frs_ops_project | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_ReleasePackage | Audit_FRS_ReleasePackage | Yes | No |
Audit_FRS_Timezone | Audit_FRS_Timezone | Yes | No |
Audit_Gateway | Audit_Gateway | Yes | No |
Audit_HWIdentity | Audit_HWIdentity | Yes | No |
Audit_Incident | Audit_Incident | Yes | No |
Audit_InventorySettings | Audit_InventorySettings | Yes | No |
Audit_LocationGroup | Audit_LocationGroup | Yes | No |
Audit_LoggingConfiguration | Audit_LoggingConfiguration | Yes | No |
Audit_ManagedSoftware | Audit_ManagedSoftware | Yes | No |
Audit_Manufacturer | Audit_Manufacturer | Yes | No |
Audit_Notification | Audit_Notification | Yes | No |
Audit_OrganizationalUnit | Audit_OrganizationalUnit | Yes | No |
Audit_Problem | Audit_Problem | Yes | No |
Audit_Profile | Audit_Profile | Yes | No |
Audit_ReleaseMilestone | Audit_ReleaseMilestone | Yes | No |
Audit_ReleaseProject | Audit_ReleaseProject | Yes | No |
Audit_ScheduledJob | Audit_ScheduledJob | Yes | No |
Audit_ScheduleEntry | Audit_ScheduleEntry | Yes | No |
Audit_ScoreCardConfig | Audit_ScoreCardConfig | Yes | No |
Audit_ServiceReq | Audit_ServiceReq | Yes | No |
Audit_SoftwareIdentity | Audit_SoftwareIdentity | Yes | No |
Audit_SoftwareMedia | Audit_SoftwareMedia | Yes | No |
Audit_SoftwareProduct | Audit_SoftwareProduct | Yes | No |
Audit_Task | Audit_Task | Yes | No |
Audit_TenantEmailBodyTruncate | Audit_TenantEmailBodyTruncate | Yes | No |
Audit_TenantEmailConfiguration | Audit_TenantEmailConfiguration | Yes | No |
Audit_TenantEmailFRSApprovalKeyword | Audit_TenantEmailFRSApprovalKeyword | Yes | No |
Audit_TenantEmailMailbox | Audit_TenantEmailMailbox | Yes | No |
Audit_TenantEmailMailboxMapping | Audit_TenantEmailMailboxMapping | Yes | No |
Audit_TenantEmailStatusMapping | Audit_TenantEmailStatusMapping | Yes | No |
Audit_TenantEmailSubjectLine | Audit_TenantEmailSubjectLine | Yes | No |
Audit_TenantEmailTaskAssignmentKeyword | Audit_TenantEmailTaskAssignmentKeyword | Yes | No |
Audit_TenantEmailTrustedSenderDomains | Audit_TenantEmailTrustedSenderDomains | Yes | No |
Audit_TenantSelfRegistrationConfig | Audit_TenantSelfRegistrationConfig | Yes | No |
Audit_TenantSetting | Audit_TenantSetting | Yes | No |
Audit_ValidationListData | Audit_ValidationListData | Yes | No |
Audit_Vendor | Audit_Vendor | Yes | No |
AuditDayOfWeek | Audit Day Of Week | No | Yes |
AuditEventType | Global Audit Event Type | No | Yes |
AuditFrequency | Inventory Audit Frequency | No | Yes |
AuditHistoryEventType | AuditHistoryEventType | Yes | No |
Availability | Availability | No | No |
Bookmark | Bookmark | No | No |
BPConfiguration | Business Process Configuration | No | No |
BusinessEvent | Business Event | No | No |
BusinessEventSignificance | Business Even Significance | No | Yes |
BusinessEventStatus | Business Event Status | No | Yes |
BusinessObjectList | BusinessObjectList | No | No |
BusinessObjectLists | Business Object Lists | No | Yes |
CABSettings | CABSettings | No | No |
Category | Category | No | No |
CellphoneType | Cellphone Type | No | Yes |
Change | Change | No | No |
ChangeBusinessFunction | Change Business Function | No | Yes |
ChangeCategory | Change Category | No | Yes |
ChangeClosedCode | Change Closed Code | No | Yes |
ChangeDetail | ChangeDetail | No | No |
ChangeDetail.Install | Install | No | No |
ChangeDetail.Reinstall | Reinstall | No | No |
ChangeLockout | Change Lockout | No | No |
ChangeReason | Change Reason | No | Yes |
ChangeStatus | Change Status | No | Yes |
ChangeStatusWorkFlow | Change Status Workflow | No | Yes |
ChangeSubCategory | Change SubCategory | No | No |
ChangeTypeOfChange | Type Of Change | No | Yes |
ChangeWindow | Change Window | No | No |
ChargeType | ChargeType | No | Yes |
CheckList | Check List | No | No |
CI | CI | No | No |
CI.AccessPoint | Access Point | No | No |
CI.BatchJob | BatchJob | No | No |
CI.Cluster | Cluster | No | No |
CI.Computer | Computer | No | No |
CI.Contract | Contract | No | No |
CI.Database | Database | No | No |
CI.Document | Document | No | No |
CI.EnterpriseApplication | EnterpriseApplication | No | No |
CI.FAX | FAX | No | No |
CI.Firewall | Firewall | No | No |
CI.Generator | Generator | No | No |
CI.Hub | Hub | No | No |
CI.Middleware | Middleware | No | No |
CI.MobileDevice | MobileDevice | No | No |
CI.Monitor | Monitor | No | No |
CI.PeripheralDevice | PeripheralDevice | No | No |
CI.Phone | Phone | No | No |
CI.Printer | Printer | No | No |
CI.ProductivityApp | ProductivityApp | No | No |
CI.Rack | Rack | No | No |
CI.Router | Router | No | No |
CI.SAN | SAN | No | No |
CI.Scanner | Scanner | No | No |
CI.Server | Server | No | No |
CI.Service | Service | No | No |
CI.Switch | Switch | No | No |
CI.System | System | No | No |
CI.UnknownDevice | UnknownDevice | No | No |
CI.UPS | UPS | No | No |
CI.VideoConference | VideoConference | No | No |
CI.VirtualServer | VirtualServer | No | No |
CI.VirtualWorkstation | VirtualWorkstation | No | No |
CI.VOIP | VOIP | No | No |
CI.Workstation | Workstation | No | No |
CIBOName | CI BO Name | No | Yes |
CIComponent | CI Component | No | No |
CIComponent.CustomParameters | Custom Parameters CI Component | No | No |
CIComponent.Hotfix | Hotfix CI Component | No | No |
CIComponent.InstalledApplication | Installed Applications CI Component | No | No |
CIComponent.LocalDisk | Local Disk CI Component | No | No |
CIComponent.NetworkAdapter | Network Adapter CI Component | No | No |
CIComponent.WindowsService | Windows Service CI Component | No | No |
CIComputerType | Computer Type | No | Yes |
CILevel | CI Level | No | No |
CILevelCriteria | CI Level Criteria | No | No |
CINamedRelConstraints | CI Named Rel Constraints | No | No |
CINamedRelData | CI Named Rel Data | No | Yes |
CIRole | CI Role | No | No |
CIServiceMap | CI Service Map | No | No |
CIServiceStatus | CI Service Status | No | Yes |
CIStatus | Configuration Item Status | No | Yes |
CIStatusCIType | CI Status CI Type | No | Yes |
ClickToTalkRequest | Click To Talk Request | No | No |
ClickToTalkRequestStatus | Click To Talk Request Status | No | Yes |
CmdbImportConfiguration | CMDB Import Configuration | No | No |
CNet_Manufacturer_Mapping | CNet_Manufacturer_Mapping | No | No |
CNetLicenceModel_Mapping | CNetLicenceModel_Mapping | No | No |
COE | Provisioning Profile | No | No |
COEStatus | COE Status | No | Yes |
CommunityString | Community String | No | No |
ComputerProvisionAction | Computer Provision Action | No | No |
ContactGroup | Contact Group | No | No |
ContactGroupStatus | Contact Group Status | No | Yes |
ContactGroupType | Contact Group Type | No | Yes |
CostCenter | Cost Center | No | No |
CostDriver | Cost Driver | No | No |
CostDriverStatus | Cost Driver Status | No | Yes |
CurrencyCode | Currency | No | No |
CurrencySymbol | Currency Symbol | No | Yes |
CurrencySymbolPosition | Currency Symbol Position | No | Yes |
DelimiterValues | Delimiter Values | No | Yes |
Department | Department | No | No |
DeviceSubnet | Device Subnet | No | No |
DeviceType | Device Type | No | Yes |
Domain | Domain | No | No |
DSMCategory | DSMCategory | No | Yes |
DSMRequestType | DSMRequestType | No | Yes |
Employee | Employee | No | No |
EmployeeCreationMethod | Employee Creation Method | No | Yes |
EmploymentType | Employment Type | No | No |
ExternalContact | External Contact | No | No |
FAQ | FAQ | No | No |
FAQCategory | FAQ Category | No | Yes |
FAQStatus | FAQ Status | No | Yes |
FileTypeDiskUsage | File Type Disk Usage | No | No |
FRS_Application_Update_Notes | FRS Application Update Notes | No | No |
FRS_Approval | Approval | No | No |
FRS_ApprovalStatus | Approval Status | No | Yes |
FRS_ApprovalVoteTracking | Approval Vote Tracking | No | No |
FRS_ApprovalVoteTrackStatus | Vote Tracking Status | No | Yes |
FRS_AssetCostType | Asset Cost Type | No | Yes |
FRS_AssetData | Asset Data | No | No |
FRS_AssetDataStatus | Asset Data Status | No | Yes |
Frs_AuthenticationProvider | Authentication Provider | No | No |
Frs_AuthenticationProvider.Ldap | LDAP | No | No |
Frs_AuthenticationProvider.OpenId | Open ID | No | No |
Frs_AuthenticationProvider.Saml | ADFS/SAML | No | No |
Frs_AuthenticationProvider.WindowsIntegrated | Windows Integrated | No | No |
FRS_Baseline | Baseline | No | No |
FRS_BaselineLog | Baseline Log | No | No |
Frs_BV_Parameter | Business Value Parameter | No | No |
Frs_BV_ParameterCalcType | Business Value Parameter Calc Type | No | Yes |
Frs_BV_ParameterDisplayFormat | Business Value Parameter Display Format | No | Yes |
Frs_BV_Report | Business Value Report | No | No |
Frs_BV_Result | Business Value Result | No | No |
FRS_CICategory | CI Category | No | Yes |
FRS_CIComponent | Component | No | No |
FRS_CIComponent.DisplayAdapter | DisplayAdapter | No | No |
FRS_CIComponent.Hotfix | Patch | No | No |
FRS_CIComponent.InstalledApplication | Installed Software | No | No |
FRS_CIComponent.LogicalStorage | LogicalStorage | No | No |
FRS_CIComponent.Memory | Memory | No | No |
FRS_CIComponent.Monitor | Monitor | No | No |
FRS_CIComponent.NetworkAdapter | Network Adapter | No | No |
FRS_CIComponent.PhysicalStorage | PhysicalStorage | No | No |
FRS_CIComponent.WindowsService | Background Service | No | No |
FRS_Client | Client | No | No |
Frs_CompositeContract_Contact | Contact | No | No |
Frs_CompositeContract_ContactType | Contact Contract Type | No | Yes |
Frs_CompositeContract_Entity | Entity | No | No |
Frs_CompositeContract_Identity | Identity | No | No |
Frs_CompositeContract_Mapping | Composite Contract Mapping | No | Yes |
Frs_data_cost_category | Cost Category | No | Yes |
Frs_data_cost_items | Cost Items | No | No |
Frs_data_cost_rollup | Cost Rollup | No | No |
FRS_data_dsm_inst_params | DSM Installation Params | No | No |
FRS_data_dsm_provision_request | DSM Provision Request | No | No |
FRS_data_dsm_software | DSM Software | No | No |
FRS_data_dsm_software_request | DSM Software Request | No | No |
FRS_data_dsm_sync_request | DSM Sync Request | No | No |
Frs_data_encryption_keys | Encryption Key | No | No |
Frs_data_encryption_publickeys | Public Key | No | No |
Frs_data_escalation_watch | Escalation Watch | No | No |
Frs_data_expense_line | Expense Line | No | No |
Frs_data_integration_history | Integration History | No | No |
Frs_data_integration_log | Integration Log | No | No |
Frs_data_run_program_log | Run Program / Export History | No | No |
Frs_data_service_name | Service Name | No | Yes |
Frs_data_Variance | Variance | No | No |
FRS_data_Variance_report | Variance Report | No | No |
Frs_data_workflow_history | Workflow History | No | No |
Frs_data_workflow_instance | Workflow Instance | No | No |
Frs_def_dsm_citypes | DSM CI Types | No | No |
FRS_def_dsm_inst_params | Installation Parameters | No | No |
FRS_def_dsm_installation_state | Installation State | No | No |
FRS_def_dsm_maint_window | Maintenance Window | No | No |
FRS_def_dsm_platform | DSM Software Platform | No | No |
FRS_def_dsm_software | DSM Managed Software | No | No |
FRS_def_dsm_software.OSSet | Operating System Set | No | No |
FRS_def_dsm_software.SoftwarePackage | DSM Software Package | No | No |
FRS_def_dsm_software.SoftwareSet | Software Set | No | No |
FRS_def_dsm_software_cat_assn | Managed SW Category Association | No | No |
FRS_def_dsm_software_category | Managed SW Category | No | No |
FRS_def_dsm_software_set_comp | Software Set Comp | No | No |
FRS_def_dsm_software_status | Managed Software Status | No | Yes |
FRS_def_dsm_SWAssignableType | Software Assignable Type | No | Yes |
Frs_def_escalation_clock_ctrl | Escalation Clock | No | No |
Frs_def_escalation_clock_state | Escalation Clock State | No | Yes |
Frs_def_escalation_schedule | Escalation Schedule | No | No |
Frs_def_escalation_setting | Escalation Setting | No | No |
Frs_def_hours_of_operation | Hours of Operation | No | Yes |
Frs_def_integration | Integration | No | No |
Frs_def_integration_connection | Integration Connection | No | No |
Frs_def_integration_mapping | Integration Mapping | No | No |
Frs_def_role | Role | No | No |
Frs_def_workflow_definition | Workflow Definition | No | No |
Frs_def_workflow_inst_status | Workflow Inst Status | No | Yes |
Frs_def_workflow_type | Workflow Type | No | No |
Frs_def_WSMapping | WS Mapping | No | No |
Frs_def_WSProxy | WS Proxy | No | No |
Frs_ExternalLogin | External Login | No | No |
FRS_GlobalAuditLog | Transaction Audit Log | No | No |
FRS_IM_AssetDataField | Asset Data Mapping Field | No | No |
FRS_IM_AssetDataMapping | Asset Data Mapping | No | No |
FRS_IM_AssetDataRelationship | Asset Data Relationship | No | No |
FRS_IM_Change | IM Change | No | No |
FRS_IM_Change.Hardware | IM Hardware Change | No | No |
FRS_IM_Change.Software | IM Software Change | No | No |
FRS_IM_FileInstance | File Instances | No | No |
FRS_IM_GatewayProxy | Gateway Proxy | No | No |
FRS_IM_SoftwareFile | Software File | No | No |
FRS_Installation_Status | Installation Status | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_AGAuditGroupAgents | Voice - Audit Agents in Agent Group | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_AgentGroup | Voice - Agent Group | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_AgentSkill | Agent Skill | No | No |
FRS_IPCM_AGInitialAgentStatus | Voice - Initial Agent Status for Agent Group | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_AGNotReadyReasonReq | Voice - Not Ready Reason Required for Agent Group | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_AGWrapupTimeout | Voice - Wrapup Timeout for Agent Group | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_AuditStatus | Voice - Audit Status for Agent | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_CIAuthentication | Voice - Authentication | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_CIExtensionLicense | Voice - Extension License | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_CIG729License | Voice - G729 License | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_CIKeepAliveMethod | Voice - Keep Alive Method | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_CITransport | Voice - Transport | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_CIType | Voice - Type of Device | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_CIUseSIPAddrForm | Voice - Use SIP Address From | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_CIUseSIPPortFrom | Voice - Use SIP Port From | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_EmpInitialAgentStatus | Voice - Initial Status for Agent | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_EmpNotReadyReason | Voice - Not Ready Reason for Agent | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_EmpNotReadyReq | Voice - Not Ready Reason Required for Agent | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_EmpWrapupTimeout | Voice - Wrapup Timeout for Agent | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_Integration | IPCM Integration | No | No |
FRS_IPCM_Language | Voice - Language | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_NotReadyReason | Voice - Not Ready Reason for Agent Group | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_Skill | Skill | No | No |
FRS_IPCM_SkillGroup | Skill Group | No | No |
FRS_IPCM_SupportedUILanguage | Voice - UI Supported Language | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_SynchStatus | Sync Status | No | No |
FRS_IPCM_UserNotReadyReason | Voice - Defined Reason | No | Yes |
FRS_IPCM_VoiceActivityCallResult | Activity Call Result | No | No |
FRS_IPCM_VoiceActivityCallType | Voice Activity Call Type | No | Yes |
FRS_IPRange | IP-Range | No | No |
Frs_ITFM_Account | ITFM Charging Account | No | No |
Frs_ITFM_Account_Status | ITFM Charging Account Status | No | Yes |
Frs_ITFM_Cost_Driver | ITFM Cost Driver | No | No |
Frs_ITFM_Cost_Driver_Category | ITFM Cost Driver Category | No | Yes |
Frs_ITFM_ITOverheadCost | ITFM IT Overhead Cost | No | No |
Frs_ITFM_Recurring_Service_Subscription | ITFM Recurring Service Subscription | No | No |
Frs_ITFM_RollupLog | ITFM Rollup Log | No | No |
Frs_ITFM_Transaction | ITFM Cost Item | No | No |
FRS_Knowledge | Knowledge | No | No |
FRS_Knowledge.Document | Document | No | No |
FRS_Knowledge.ErrorMessage | Error Message | No | No |
FRS_Knowledge.IssueResolution | Issue and Resolution | No | No |
FRS_Knowledge.Patch | Patch | No | No |
FRS_Knowledge.QandA | Q & A | No | No |
FRS_Knowledge.Reference | Reference | No | No |
FRS_LM_Agreement | Agreement | No | No |
FRS_LM_AgreementType | Agreement Type | No | No |
FRS_LM_Entitlement | Entitlement | No | No |
FRS_LM_ImportBusinessObjectName | Import Business Object Name | No | Yes |
FRS_LM_ImportDefinition | Import Definition | No | No |
FRS_LM_ImportMapping | Import Mapping | No | No |
FRS_LM_ImportType | Import Type | No | Yes |
FRS_LM_InternalSQPLink | Internal SQP Link | No | No |
FRS_LM_InternalSSPLink | Internal SSP Link | No | No |
FRS_LM_Invoice | Invoice | No | No |
FRS_LM_LicenseModel | License Model | No | No |
FRS_LM_LicenseModelBasicType | License Model Basic Type | No | Yes |
FRS_LM_LicenseModelParameter | License Model Parameter | No | No |
FRS_LM_ManuComplianceLink | Manufacturer Compliance Link | No | No |
FRS_LM_ManufacturerComplianceSummary | Manufacturer Compliance Summary | No | No |
FRS_LM_ProdComplianceLink | Product Compliance Link | No | No |
FRS_LM_ProductComplianceSummary | Product Compliance Summary | No | No |
FRS_LM_PurchaseDataImport | Purchase Data Import | No | No |
FRS_LM_PurchaseImportValidation | Purchase Import Validation | No | No |
FRS_LM_PurchaseItem | Purchase Item | No | No |
FRS_LM_RecognitionRule | Software Recognition Rule | No | No |
FRS_LM_SKU | SKU | No | No |
FRS_LM_SKUAllocationSummary | SKU Allocation Summary | No | No |
FRS_LM_SKUQualifyingFamilyLink | SKU Qualifying Family Link | No | No |
FRS_LM_SKUQualifyingProductLink | SKU Qualifying Product Link | No | No |
FRS_LM_SKUSupportedFamilyLink | SKU Supported Family Link | No | No |
FRS_LM_SKUSupportedProductLink | SKU Supported Product Link | No | No |
FRS_LM_SKUType | SKU Type | No | Yes |
FRS_LM_SoftwareFamily | Software Family | No | No |
FRS_LM_SoftwareProduct | Software Product | No | No |
FRS_MyItem | My Item | No | No |
FRS_MyItemParentObjType | My Item Object Type | No | Yes |
FRS_MyItemStatus | My Item Status | No | Yes |
FRS_Notification | Notification | No | No |
FRS_NotificationType | Notification Type | No | Yes |
Frs_ops_change_log | HEAT Transaction Detail | No | No |
Frs_ops_change_log_txid | HEAT Transaction Set | No | No |
FRS_ops_dsm_integration | DSM Operations Integration | No | No |
Frs_ops_gbu_pipeline_history | Generic Bulk Upload Pipeline History | No | No |
Frs_ops_integration_queue | Integration Queue | No | No |
Frs_ops_package | HEAT Release Package | No | No |
Frs_ops_patch_log | Patch Log | No | No |
Frs_ops_project | HEAT Release Project | No | No |
Frs_ops_validation_results | Validation Results | No | No |
FRS_PriceItem | Price List Item | No | No |
Frs_PriceItem_UnitOfMeasure | Unit Of Measure | No | Yes |
FRS_PriceItemRecurrence | Price Item Recurrence | No | Yes |
FRS_PriceItemType | Price Item Type | No | Yes |
FRS_PriceVariance | Price Variance | No | No |
FRS_ProvisioningProfileHW | Hardware Profile | No | No |
FRS_ProvisioningProfileSW | Software Profile | No | No |
FRS_ReleasePackage | Release Package | No | No |
FRS_RiskAnswer | Risk Answer | No | No |
FRS_RiskCatalog | Risk Catalog | No | No |
FRS_RiskQuestion | Risk Question | No | No |
FRS_RiskQuestionAnswer | Risk Question Answer | No | No |
FRS_ServerType | Server Type | No | Yes |
Frs_ServiceReqPriceItem | Service Request Price Item | No | No |
FRS_SlaveTenants | Slave Tenants | No | No |
FRS_Software | Software | No | No |
FRS_Survey | Survey | No | No |
FRS_SurveyAnswer | Survey Response Item | No | No |
FRS_SurveyOwnerTeamView | Survey Owner Team View | No | No |
FRS_SurveyOwnerView | Survey Owner View | No | No |
FRS_SurveyResults | Survey Result | No | No |
FRS_SurveyServiceView | Survey Service View | No | No |
FRS_SurveySession | Survey Response | No | No |
Frs_TenantPassWdPolicyConfig | New Tenant Password Policy Configuration | No | No |
FRS_Timezone | Timezone | No | No |
FulfillmentItem | Fulfillment Item | No | No |
FulfillmentItemPackage | Fulfillment Item Package | No | No |
FulfillmentItemPackageStatus | Fulfillment Item Package Status | No | Yes |
FulfillmentItemPackageType | Fulfillment Item Package Type | No | Yes |
FulfillmentItemStatus | Fulfillment Item Status | No | Yes |
Gateway | Gateway | No | No |
GatewayEdition | Gateway Edition | No | Yes |
GatewayStatus | Gateway Status | No | Yes |
GatewaySubnet | Gateway Subnet | No | No |
GlobalDomain | Global Domain | No | No |
GroupApprovalStatus | Group Approval Status | No | Yes |
GuestHostRelationship | Guest Host Relationship | No | No |
GuestHostRelationshipType | Guest Host Relationship Type | No | Yes |
HardwareProfile | Hardware Profile | No | No |
HEATAPIClient | HEATAPIClient | No | No |
HWIdentity | Hardware Identity | No | No |
HWIdentity.Computer | Computer Hardware Identity | No | No |
HWIdentity.NetworkDevice | Network Device Hardware Identity | No | No |
HWIdentity.Printer | Printer Hardware Identity | No | No |
HWProfileHWType | Hardware Type for Hardware Profile | No | Yes |
Impact | Impact | No | Yes |
Incident | Incident | No | No |
IncidentBreachReasonCode | Incident Breach Reason Code | No | No |
IncidentBreachResponsibility | Incident Breach Responsibility | No | No |
IncidentCauseCode | Incident Cause Code | No | Yes |
IncidentDetail | Incident Detail | No | No |
IncidentDetail.AccountLockout | IncidentDetail.AccountLockout | No | No |
IncidentDetail.ComputerProvisioning | Computer Provisioning | No | No |
IncidentDetail.EmployeeAction | Employee Action | No | No |
IncidentDetail.SoftwareFailure | Software Failure | No | No |
IncidentDetail.SoftwareInstallation | Software Installation | No | No |
IncidentDetail.WebsiteFailure | IncidentDetail.WebsiteFailure | No | No |
IncidentDetailActionNeeded | Incident Detail Action Needed | No | Yes |
IncidentPriority | Incident Priority | No | Yes |
IncidentSource | Incident Source | No | Yes |
IncidentStatus | Incident Status | No | Yes |
IncidentType | Incident Type | No | Yes |
InventorySettings | Inventory Settings | No | No |
InventorySoftwareFile | Inventory Software File | No | No |
JobClass | Job Class | No | Yes |
JobTitle | Job Title | No | Yes |
Journal | Activity History | No | No |
Journal.Email | No | No | |
Journal.Notes | Notes | No | No |
Journal.VoiceActivity | Voice Activity Log | No | No |
JournalEmailCategory | Journal Email Category | No | Yes |
JournalNotesCategory | Journal Notes Category | No | Yes |
JournalNotesSource | Journal Notes Source | No | Yes |
Justification | Justification | No | Yes |
KeyStrength | Key Strength | No | Yes |
KMFeedback | Knowledge Feedback | No | No |
KMFeedback.ArticleFeedback | Article Feedback | No | No |
KnowledgeCategory | Knowledge Category | No | Yes |
KnowledgeEnvironment | Knowledge Environment | No | Yes |
KnowledgeFlaggedReason | Knowledge Flagged Reason | No | Yes |
KnowledgeRepositories | Knowledge Repositories | No | Yes |
KnowledgeStatus | Knowledge Status | No | Yes |
KnowledgeSubCategory | Knowledge SubCategory | No | Yes |
KnowledgeType | Knowledge Type | No | Yes |
KnowledgeUserRating | Knowledge User Rating | No | Yes |
LanguageLocale | Language Locale | No | Yes |
LDAPImportLog | LDAP Import Log | No | No |
LicenseAgreement | License Agreement | No | No |
LicenseAgreementType | Old License Agreement Type | No | No |
LicenseContractType | License Contract Type | No | Yes |
LicenseManagerTaskType | License Manager Task Type | No | Yes |
LicenseUsage | Frs License Usage | No | No |
LicensingModel | Licensing Model | No | Yes |
LicensingProgram | Licensing Program | No | Yes |
LicensingType | Licensing Type | No | Yes |
LMAgreement | Old Agreement | No | No |
LMAgreementType | Old Agreement Type | No | Yes |
LMProofOfEntitlementType | Proof Of Entitlement Type | No | Yes |
LMPurchaseItem | Old Purchase Item | No | No |
LMSource | LM Source | No | Yes |
LMVersionMaintenanceEntitlement | Version Maintenance Entitlement | No | No |
Location | Location | No | No |
LocationGroup | LocationGroup | No | Yes |
LocationGroup.CI | CI Location | No | No |
LocationGroup.DHS | Definitive Hardware Storage | No | No |
LocationGroup.DSL | Definitive Software Library | No | No |
LocationGroup.EmployeeSite | Employee Location | No | No |
LoggingConfiguration | Logging Configuration | No | No |
LogLevel | Logging Level | No | Yes |
LogonHistory | Logon History | No | No |
Logs | Logs | No | No |
MachineType | Machine Type | No | Yes |
ManagedInstallationState | Old Managed Installation State | No | No |
ManagedInstallationStatus | Old Managed Installation Status | No | No |
ManagedSoftware | Managed Software | No | No |
ManagedSoftware.OperatingSystemSet | Operating System Set | No | No |
ManagedSoftware.SoftwarePackage | Software Package | No | No |
ManagedSoftware.SoftwareSet | Software Set | No | No |
ManagedSoftwareCategory | Managed Software Category | No | No |
ManagedSoftwareStatus | Managed Software Status | No | No |
ManagedSWCategoryAssociation | Managed Software Category Association | No | No |
Manufacturer | Manufacturer | No | No |
MaterializedIncident | Materialized Incident | No | No |
MDI_ChangeUrl | MDI_ChangeUrl | No | No |
MDI_WiFiConfiguration | MDI_WiFiConfiguration | No | No |
MDI_WiFiEncryption | MDI_WiFiEncryption | No | Yes |
MobileCatalog | Mobile Catalog | No | No |
MobilePlatform | Mobile Platform | No | Yes |
MonthName | Month Name | No | Yes |
MyShelfItem | My Shelf Item | No | No |
NamePrefix | Name Prefix | No | Yes |
NameSuffix | Name Suffix | No | Yes |
Notification | Notification | No | No |
NotificationPriority | Notification Priority | No | Yes |
NotificationStatus | Notification Status | No | Yes |
NumberOfUsers | Number Of Users | No | No |
OLAMetricView | OLA Metric View | No | No |
OLAStatus | OLA Status | No | Yes |
OLATargetComplianceView | OLA Target Compliance View | No | No |
OrderedSoftwareCatalogItem | Ordered Catalog Item | No | No |
OrganizationalUnit | Organizational Unit | No | No |
OrganizationalUnitType | Organizational Unit Type | No | Yes |
OSLocaleTypes | Operating System Locale Types | No | No |
OSProductTypes | Operating System Product Types | No | Yes |
OutageLog | Outage Log | No | No |
OutageLogCategory | Outage Log Category | No | Yes |
ParameterType | Parameter Type | No | Yes |
PIR | PIR | No | No |
PIRResult | PIR Result | No | Yes |
PIRStatus | PIR Status | No | Yes |
PlannedCI | Planned CI | No | No |
PlannedCIManagedProperty | Planned CI Managed Property | No | Yes |
PlannedCIProposedChange | Planned CI Proposed Change | No | No |
Problem | Problem | No | No |
ProblemCategory | Problem Category | No | Yes |
ProblemPriority | Problem Priority | No | Yes |
ProblemResolutionAction | Problem Resolution Action | No | Yes |
ProblemSource | Problem Source | No | Yes |
ProblemStatus | Problem Status | No | No |
ProblemStatusWorkflow | Problem Status Workflow | No | Yes |
ProblemType | Problem Type | No | Yes |
ProblemTypeOfOwnership | Problem Type Of Ownership | No | Yes |
ProblemWorkaround | Problem Workaround | No | No |
Profile | Profile Base | No | No |
Profile.BusinessUnit | Business Unit | No | No |
ProfileEmployeeStatus | Profile Employee Status | No | Yes |
ProgressBarPosition | Progress Bar Position | No | Yes |
ProvisonRequestType | ProvisIon Request Type | No | Yes |
RecurringSubscriptionStatus | Recurring Subscription Status | No | Yes |
Region | Region | No | No |
ReleaseMilestone | Milestone | No | No |
ReleaseMilestoneEnvironment | Release Milestone Environment | No | Yes |
ReleaseMilestoneStatus | Release Milestone Status | No | Yes |
ReleaseMilestoneSubject | Release Milestone Subject | No | Yes |
ReleasePackageStatus | Release Package Status | No | Yes |
ReleasePackageType | Release Package Type | No | Yes |
ReleaseProject | Release | No | No |
ReleaseProjectBaseType | Release Project Base Type | No | Yes |
ReleaseProjectCategory | Release Project Category | No | No |
ReleaseProjectClassification | Release Project Classification | No | Yes |
ReleaseProjectStatus | Release Project Status | No | Yes |
ReleaseProjectType | Release Project Type | No | Yes |
RequestStatus | Request Status | No | Yes |
RiskLevel | Risk Level | No | Yes |
ScanMethod | Scan Method | No | Yes |
ScheduledJob | Scheduled Job | No | No |
ScheduledJobHistory | Scheduled Job History | No | No |
ScheduleEntry | Schedule Entry | No | No |
ScheduleEntry.DailySchedule | Daily Schedule | No | No |
ScheduleEntry.HourlySchedule | Hourly Schedule | No | No |
ScheduleEntry.MonthlySchedule | Monthly Schedule | No | No |
ScheduleEntry.WeeklySchedule | Weekly Schedule | No | No |
ScheduleEntry.YearlySchedule | Yearly Schedule | No | No |
ScheduleRecurrenceType | Schedule Recurrence Type | No | Yes |
ScoreCardConfig | ScoreCard Configuration | No | No |
ServiceAgreement | Service Agreement | No | No |
ServiceAgreement.OLA | Operational Level Agreement | No | No |
ServiceAgreement.SLA | Service Level Agreement | No | No |
ServiceAgreement.UC | Underpinning Contract | No | No |
ServiceAgreementStatus | Service Agreement Status | No | Yes |
ServiceCatalogBusinessFunction | Service Catalog Business Function | No | Yes |
ServiceCatalogStatus | Service Status | No | Yes |
ServiceComplianceTrendView | Service Compliance Trend View | No | No |
ServiceLevelObjective | Service Level Objective | No | No |
ServiceLevelPackage | Service Level Package | No | No |
ServiceLevelPackageStatus | Service Level Package Status | No | Yes |
ServiceLevelTarget | Service Level Target | No | No |
ServiceLevelTarget.AcceptanceSLT | Task Acceptance Target | No | No |
ServiceLevelTarget.CompletionSLT | Task Completion Target | No | No |
ServiceLevelTarget.DeliverySLT | Service Request Delivery Target | No | No |
ServiceLevelTarget.GeneralSLT | Service Level Target - General | No | No |
ServiceLevelTarget.ResolutionSLT | Incident Resolution Target | No | No |
ServiceLevelTarget.ResponseSLT | Incident Response Target | No | No |
ServiceLevelTargetStatus | Service Level Target Status | No | Yes |
ServiceOutage | Service Outage | No | No |
ServiceOutageStatus | Service Outage Status | No | Yes |
ServiceReq | Service Request | No | No |
ServiceReqCategory | Service Request Category | No | No |
ServiceReqDeliveryAvgView | Service Request Delivery Average View | No | No |
ServiceReqFulfillmentPlan | Service Request Fulfillment Plan | No | No |
ServiceReqFulfillmentPlan.Email | Email Plan | No | No |
ServiceReqFulfillmentPlan.None | None | No | No |
ServiceReqFulfillmentPlan.QuickAction | QuickAction Plan | No | No |
ServiceReqFulfillmentPlan.Workflow | Workflow Plan | No | No |
ServiceReqParam | Service Request Parameter | No | No |
ServiceReqParamLink | Service Request Parameter Link | No | No |
ServiceReqRelatedSubscription | Service Request Related Subscription | No | No |
ServiceReqStatus | Service Request Status | No | Yes |
ServiceReqSubscription | Service Request Subscription | No | No |
ServiceReqSubscriptionParam | Service Request Subscription Parameter | No | No |
ServiceReqTemplate | Service Request Template | No | No |
ServiceReqTemplateEntityAccess | Service Request Template Entity Access | No | No |
ServiceReqTemplateParam | Service Request Template Parameter | No | No |
ServiceReqTemplateParamValid | Service Request Template Param Valid | No | No |
ServiceType | Service Type | No | Yes |
ShippingCatalog | Shipping Catalog | No | No |
SLAComplianceView | SLA Compliance View | No | No |
SLAStatus | SLA Status | No | Yes |
SLATargetComplianceView | SLA Target Compliance View | No | No |
SLMMetricsView | SLM Metrics View | No | No |
SLTUnit | SLTUnit | No | Yes |
SnmpAlgorithm | Snmp Algorithm | No | No |
SnmpAlgorithm.Auth | SnmpAlgorithm.Auth | No | Yes |
SnmpAlgorithm.Priv | SnmpAlgorithm.Priv | No | Yes |
SnmpOidLookup | SNMP OID Lookup | No | No |
SnmpProtocol | SNMP Protocol | No | No |
SnmpSecurityLevel | Snmp Security Level | No | Yes |
SnmpVersion | Snmp Version | No | Yes |
SocialFeeds | Social Feeds | No | No |
SocialGroups | Social Groups | No | No |
Software | Software | No | No |
SoftwareAction | Software Action | No | No |
SoftwareActionRequestType | Software Action Request Type | No | Yes |
SoftwareCatalogItem | Software Catalog Item | No | No |
SoftwareFamily | Old Software Family | No | No |
SoftwareIdentity | Software Identity | No | No |
SoftwareLanguage | Software Language | No | No |
SoftwareMedia | Software Media | No | No |
SoftwareProduct | Old Software Product | No | No |
SoftwareProductCategory | Software Product Category | No | Yes |
SoftwareRequestType | Software Request Type | No | Yes |
SoftwareType | Software Type | No | Yes |
SpaceType | Space Type | No | Yes |
StandardUserTeam | Standard User Team | No | No |
StoreJournalEmailAs | Store Journal Email As | No | Yes |
SubCategory | SubCategory | No | Yes |
SupportingOrganization | Supporting Organization | No | No |
SurveyMetricView | Survey Metric View | No | No |
SurveySessionSummaryView | Survey Session Summary View | No | No |
SWCatalogItemQualifyingSoftware | Qualifying Software | No | No |
SWCatalogItemSupportedSoftware | Supported Software | No | No |
SyncRequestType | Sync Request Type | No | Yes |
SystemTask | System Task | No | No |
SystemTask.Agent | Agent Task | No | No |
SystemTask.Inventory | SystemTask.Inventory | No | No |
SystemTask.LicenseManager | SystemTask.LicenseManager | No | No |
SystemTask.Reconciliation | SystemTask.Reconciliation | No | No |
SystemTaskStatus | System Task Status | No | Yes |
TargetVariant | Target Condition | No | No |
TargetVariant.Common | Target Condition | No | No |
TargetVariant.ServiceReq | Request Offering Condition | No | No |
TargetVariant.TaskCatalog | Target Variant Task Catalog | No | No |
TargetVariantStatus | Target Variant Status | No | Yes |
Task | Task group | No | No |
Task.Assignment | Task | No | No |
Task.ComputerProvisioning | Task.ComputerProvisioning | No | No |
Task.DSM_SoftwareActivation | Task.DSM_SoftwareActivation | No | No |
Task.SoftwareInstallation | Task.SoftwareInstallation | No | No |
Task.WorkOrder | External Task | No | No |
TaskAssignmentStatus | Internal Assignment Status | No | Yes |
TaskCatalog | Task Catalog Group | No | No |
TaskCatalog.Assignment | Task Catalog Item | No | No |
TaskCatalog.SoftwareInstallation | Task Catalog Software Installation | No | No |
TaskCatalog.WorkOrder | Task Catalog Item - External Task | No | No |
TaskCatalogStatus | Task Catalog Status | No | Yes |
TaskPriority | Task Priority | No | Yes |
TaskPurchaseRequestStatus | Task Purchase Request Status | No | No |
TaskWorkOrderStatus | External Assignment Status | No | Yes |
TenantEmailBodyTruncate | Truncate Body Rule | No | No |
TenantEmailBONameMapping | Email Object Name Mapping | No | No |
TenantEmailConfiguration | Tenant Email Configuration | No | No |
TenantEmailFRSApprovalKeyword | FRS Approval Status Keyword | No | No |
TenantEmailMailbox | Inbox | No | No |
TenantEmailMailboxMapping | Tenant Email Mailbox Mapping | No | No |
TenantEmailMailboxProtocol | Tenant Email Mailbox Protocol | No | Yes |
TenantEmailMboxAuthMethod | Tenant Email Mbox Auth Method | No | Yes |
TenantEmailStatusMapping | Tenant Email Status Mapping | No | No |
TenantEmailSubjectLine | Tenant Email Subject Line | No | No |
TenantEmailTaskAssignmentKeyword | Task Assignment Status Keyword | No | No |
TenantEmailTrustedSenderDomains | Trusted Sender Domain | No | No |
TenantSelfRegistrationConfig | Tenant Self Registration Config | No | No |
TenantSetting | Tenant Setting | No | No |
TimeUnit | Time Unit | No | Yes |
TimeZoneInfo | Time Zone Info | No | Yes |
TypeOfApproval | Type of Approval | No | Yes |
UCMetricView | UCMetricView | No | No |
UCStatus | UC Status | No | Yes |
UCTargetComplianceView | UC Target Compliance View | No | No |
Urgency | Urgency | No | Yes |
UsageFrequency | Usage Frequency | No | Yes |
UserPresence | User Presence | No | No |
ValidationListData | Validation List Data | No | No |
Vendor | Vendor | No | No |
VersionMaintenanceEntitlement | Version Maintenance Entitlement | No | No |
VoiceActivityCallResult | Voice Activity Call Result | No | Yes |
VoiceActivityCallType | Voice Activity Type | No | Yes |
WeekDays | Week Days | No | Yes |
WeekNumber | Week Number | No | Yes |
WorkaroundEnvironment | Workaround Environment | No | Yes |
YesOrNo | Yes Or No | No | Yes |