Reference > Default Quick Actions > Quick Action Templates > Run for Child

Run for Child Quick Action

Applies the quick action to a child object of the current business object. For example, you can run an update action and then export data to MS Excel. See Using the Run for Child Quick Action.  

Parameter Description
Relationship Te relationship between the current object and a child object. The quick action will be applied to the child object in the relationship that you select.
Child Object Filter

The Child Object Filter constrains the child objects that RunForChild runs against, based on child object parameter values. It is an expression that returns true or false, where true means the action should be executed on the record, and false means the child record should be excluded. It is evaluated for each child object. Fields included in the expression are in the context of the child object being evaluated.

Basically, the Child Object Filter is a predicate. If you pass a value like $(CurrentLogInId()), it would return a string value that is implicitly converted to true, and so the Action would run for all children.

The predicate is evaluated within the current context of each child object and so any field references are evaluated in the context of that object. For example,

$(Status == ‘Open’)

should select all tasks whose status is Open, if the child objects are tasks.

Action to Run

The quick action to run for the child object from the drop-down list.