Reference > Default Quick Actions > Quick Action Templates > Run Web Service

Run Web Service Quick Action

This is a quick action used to obtain information from a web service and is often used in conjunction with an update record quick action. You also can use it in conjunction with a business rule to calculate a parameter and then use it in a process.

Use this wizard to assemble the details needed to call an external web service such as data access or notification. This involves defining the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document, service and method to use, then specifying the parameters.

Parameters are mapped either from a business object field or a constant value.

Parameter Description
WSDL URL Enter the URL of the WSDL document and click Load Service Definition to import the settings in the document.
Service Name

The service to use.

Operation Name The operation (method) to use.
Domain Name The domain name to use.
User ID A valid user name or ID.
Password A valid password for the User ID.
WS Parameter  
Store Error Message