Reference > Workflow Object Blocks > DSM Integration

DSM Integration Workflow Block

DSM Integration Workflow Block

Exit Ports


Continue to the next block.

activation failed
deactivation failed
CI unselected
CI unidentified
unmanaged software
assignment failed

General exit port for a failed integration action. A logical next step is to trigger a notification.


Title Enter a unique name for the object.
DSM Request Type Field Choose from the drop-down list.
Software Package Relationship Choose from the drop-down list.
Software Set Relationship Choose from the drop-down list.
Relationship to Software Choose from the drop-down list.
CI Relationship Choose from the drop-down list.
Ignore Maintenance Timeframe Field Choose from the drop -down list.
Recalculation Installation Order Field Choose from the drop-down list.
Exception Message Field Choose from the drop-down list.
