Use > Common Features > Quick Actions > Creating an Export Data Quick Action

Creating an Export Data Quick Action

You can create a quick actionA user-defined operation that performs one or more actions with a single click of the mouse. that exports either an ad-hoc or a scheduled report.

1. Create an export data connection from the Data Integration WizardUsed to import data from external sources into HEAT.. See Exporting Data. For this example, create a connection that creates a file.

Data Integration Wizard

2. Create a report templateA record with several fields already completed by default., upload it, then create a table report that includes the fields you want. See Creating Reports and Templates.
  • To include multiple records in your report, the primary key field should be RecId.
  • If you intend to re-import the data, ensure that you include a unique identifier field for each record (such as RecId). Otherwise, the imported data does not match the correct records.
  • Ensure Can Run from Export Data Quick Action is checked in the Report workspace.

3. SelectEdit Action from the action menu from within the Incident workspace. The Quick Action CenterAllows you to create and edit quick actions associated with the workspace or object context. appears.
4. Under Create New Actions, choose Export Data. The Export Data Quick Action Configuration page appears.
5. For this example, enter the following information into the fields.

Export Data Quick Action

6. Click Save .

The Run Data Export quick action now appears under the action menu.