Social Business Objects and Relationships
The SocialFeeds business object has been introduced to support Social Service management functionality.
Default relationships are provided with Release 2012.3 and are defined between the SocialFeeds business object and other business objects (such as incident, change, and FRS_Knowledge) to enable social functionality.
For example, the following illustrates the relationship defined between SocialFeeds and incident:
Relationships Between Social Feeds and Incidents
The properties for the SocialFeeds to incident relationship are:
- Display Name: SocialFeedsAssocIncident
- Internal Reference Name: SocialFeedsAssocIncident
- Use Link Table (FusionLink)
- Zero Or Many (SocialFeeds)
- Zero Or Many (incident)
The following business objects are included by default in the Social Service management relationships:
- Incident
- Problem
- Change
- ReleaseProject
- FRS_Knowledge
New relationships must be added to support Social Service management functionality for other business objects.