Basics > Social Board > Updating Your Profile

Updating Your Profile

Within the Social Board workspace, logged in users can upload a profile picture, and update their primary phone and alternative phone (the phone 2 field on the Employee form).

The display name and email address are derived from your user profile (Employee.Profile).

Uploading a Profile Picture

1. Within the Social Board workspace, click Complete your profile. The profile window appears.
2. Click Change Photo. The navigation window opens.
3. Navigate to the image to use, then click Open.

The photo must not be larger than 100kb and is resized proportionally to fit into a 60px by 60px area.

4. Click Save. The image is uploaded.
5. You can continue to enter more information in the fields or click Cancel to close the window.

Your image is saved.

Updating Your Phone Numbers

Only administrators can modify phone numbers, unless your role has been granted edit privileges.

The Primary Phone and Alternative Phone fields are updated in the profile of a user's profile.Employee record upon saving.

Within the Complete your profile page, enter the phone numbers, then click Save.