Administer > Business Objects > Layouts

Using Layouts

A layoutA collection of forms, tabs, and grids that shows the parent and child records of an object. You can access a detailed view of a the parent record. is what you see when viewing a workspace: a collection of forms, tabs, grids, and splitters that displays a parent record and its child records. The layout shows you a complete view of a parent record. The parent record appears as a form with its child records displayed under a series of tabs. Layouts use forms to present the user with fields in which they can enter data for a specific record. Layouts generally show a list of records at the top part of the window, and a preview section of a selected record at the bottom.

Layouts enable you to define which objects and fields are available to specific users. Layouts are designed with a role in mind, and contain the grids and forms that the role can use. Layouts can be used by multiple roles. A layout can contain tabs, which in turn hold forms.

After defining a role, create the layout, then assign the layout to the role.

Only users with administrator privileges can design layouts.

Parts of a Layout

The following illustrates a typical layout for a change record:

Sample Change Record Layout

Layouts appear in an application workspace and include two main areas:

HEAT ships with several default layouts that are designed for your business needs. As a system administrator, you can use these layouts, edit them, delete them, or create your own.