Basics > Search > Using Simple Text Search > Configuring Search

Configuring Search

Administrators can enable various search features in several ways.

Role-Based Searches

These searches are configured according to each role. Each role has its own search options.

Search type What is searched Results
Related Items Partial words. This search is usually assigned to the Self Service role. Related items panel
Saved Search Complete words. Individual saved searches can be assigned to roles, although the feature is enabled for specific layouts. Grid

Business Object Searches

The Search tab for each business object establishes the primary display field and additional details fields that return data.

Search type What is searched Results
Related Items Partial words. The primary display field is set in the business object. Related items panel
Advanced Search Complete words. Enabled in each layout. Grid

Layout Searches

These searches are configured within the Page Layout page of a business object, and appear within the resulting workspace. Each layout has its own search options. See Using Layouts

Search type What is searched Results
Simple Search Complete words from full-text indexedA field that is defined as such within the business object. Applies to any field type, such as text or numeric. fields. Grid
Type Ahead Complete or partial words from either full-text indexed fields or the primary display field. Only applies to simple search. Type ahead panel.
Advanced Search Complete words. Also defined in the business object. Grid