Basics > Search > Full Text Search

Using Simple Text Search

Simple text search quickly searches all full-text indexed fields in each record of your database. AttachmentA file or web URL reference linked to a record.s designated as "searchable" are included in a text search.

  • Your administrator controls which fields are available for you to search.
  • Angle brackets (< >) are not supported in simple text search.

The text search examines each record in the database, matching the criteria entered in the Search text box. Results might vary depending on the words or phrases used as search criteria.

1. Within a workspace or form, enter a word or phrase in the Search text box.
2. Click Search. A list of results appears. A record opens automatically when only one record is found.

The following shows the differences between searches allowed in the Search text box. Type Ahead search might not be configured for all workspaces.



Search space


Type Ahead all indexed fields

partial words

indexed fields

Primary display field and additional fields in the Type Ahead panel.

Type Ahead Display field only

partial words

primary display field

Primary display field and additional fields in the Type Ahead panel.

Simple Search (classic)

complete words

indexed fields

Grid (as defined for workspace)