Basics > Search > Related Items Search

* * * New or Improved for 2013.2 * * *  Using Related Items

When viewing or creating incident, problem, or knowledge records, a list of related items appears in the right pane of the window.

The list is triggered by keywords in the Summary field. The system searches the database for records matching the keywords.

To view details about an item on the list, click the top line. A details window appears.

Related Items

Items are grouped by type: incident, problem, and knowledge.

To collapse or expand the group list, click the small triangle in the group header.

Expanding and Collapsing Related Items Groups

To generate a different result, enter new criteria in the text field under Related Items, then click Search (magnifying glass).

The default business objects for the search results are incident, knowledge, and problem, but the administrator can modify this.

Object matching performs a Microsoft SQL full text search in all full-text indexed fields in the object tables when objects (such as incidents and problems) are searched. Ranking is also performed by the Microsoft SQL engine.