Use > Self Service Quick Reference > Possible Solutions

Possible Solutions

You can automatically find solutions to new issues.

1. To create an issue that is not listed on any dashboard panes, click Report an Issue from the Report an Issue using Template pane. A blank issue template appears.

Blank Issue Template

Note that the status is logged.

2. Enter a word or phrase into the Summary field. For example, enter Printer.
3. Click ClosedSearch. The system displays the Possible Solution list.

Possible Solution List

4. Click an item from the list to view the contents.
5. If you find a solution that fits your issue, click Resolve. The system changes the status of your request to closed.
6. Enter a description of the issue and the solution in the Description field.
7. Click Save Incident. The system saves the issue.
8. Click Back to My Items List to view a list of your items.