Use > Self Service Quick Reference > Get Help from the Knowledge Center > Providing Knowledge Feedback

Providing Knowledge Feedback

Self Service users can rate and give feedback on specific knowledge articles.

1. Log into the Service Desk Console as a Self Service user, and open the Knowledge Center workspace. The system displays the list of knowledge articles.
2. Select the article that you want to rate. The system opens the article.
3. At the bottom of the window, under Rate this article, select the number of stars that you think this article deserves.
You can also click Provide Feedback to enter your ratings.
Not useful
Somewhat useful
Fairly useful
Very useful
Exactly what I was looking for
4. Answer the question "Was this article helpful?" Select Yes or No.
5. Enter your thoughts into the Comments field.
6. Click Leave Feedback.
7. To modify your feedback, click Change my feedback. Make your changes as needed, then click Save.