About Self Service
The Self Service dashboard is used by requesters (end users) and service owners. This dashboard provides a simpler interface and enables users to create, track, resolve, and close incidents and requests for service. Self Service users can also access FAQs, announcements, and knowledge center articles. The Self Service dashboard is designed to be intuitive and easy to use.
Service requests are any request for a service, such as transfering an employee. An issue (or incident) is an interruption of service.

When you submit an incident or a service request, the system logs it with the Service Desk, where a Service Desk Analyst begins processing it. You can use the Self Service dashboard to track the progress of or add more information to a service request. You can also communicate with a Service Desk Analyst while the incident or the service request is being worked on.

The activities that you can perform through the Self Service dashboard depend on the role that you log in with. Users who log in with the Self Service role can submit, track, and self-resolve incidents.
Self Service users logged in under other roles can also administer the Self Service interface, approve or deny requests for changes, control which services are made available to other Self Service users, categorize services, and define the process by which these services are fulfilled. These activities typically can be performed only by users logged in under the Service Owner role.
The primary roles that use the Self Service dashboard are:
- Self Service
- Service Owner

When you log in, you immediately see the Self Service dashboard. The Self Service dashboard makes creating, solving, and closing issues and service requests easy.
- For information on announcements and FAQs, see Announcements and FAQs
- For information on the chat feature, see Using the Chat Zone and Using the Social Board.