Reference > Workspace Index

Workspace Index

This section lists the default workspaces included with the Service Desk Console.

Workspace name Default roles Documentation link
Account Admin Account Information
Agent Task ConM, IM Managing Gateway Settings
Alert All Using Alerts
Announcement All Announcements and FAQs
Analytic Metrics Admin Analytic Metrics
API Keys Admin API Keys
Approval Admin, ChM, KM, PM, RelM, SDA Approvals
Approval Vote Tracking Admin, ChM, KM, RelM, SDA Viewing Approvals for All Change Requests
Asset Data Mapping Admin Viewing and Managing Asset Data
Attachment Admin Attachments and URLs
Authentication Provider Admin Authentication Providers
Baseline Mapping Admin, ConM, IM Configuration Baseline
Business Value Modeling Admin Business Value Modeling
Change Admin, ChM, ConM, E, IM, PM, RelM, RepM, SDA, SDM Change
Change Approval Board ChM Change Advisory Board
Change Calendar Admin, ChM, ConM, IM, PM, RelM, SDA, SDM Using the Change Calendar
Change Lockout Admin, ChM, ConM, IM Setting up a Change Window and Lockout
Change Window Admin, ChM, ConM, IM Setting up a Change Window and Lockout
CI (Configuration Item) Admin, ChM, ConM, IM, KM, LM, RepM, SDA, SDM

The CI Map

Working with CIs

CI Named Rel Constraints Admin, ConM Defining Constraints for Configuration Item Relationships
CI Named Rel Data Admin, ConM Defining a Configuration Item Relationship
CI Service Admin, ChM, ConM, SDA The CI Map
CMDB Baseline Log Admin Viewing the CMDB Baseline Log
Contact Group Admin Using Contact Groups
Contact Store Admin Using the Contact Store
Cost Item Admin Cost Items
Cost Driver Admin Cost Driver
Currencies Admin Currencies
Dashboard Admin Dashboards
Department Admin Using Departments
DSM Managed Installation Admin, SDA Uninstall and Reinstall Software
DSM On-Demand Sync Request Admin, SDA Configuring the DSM Environment in HEAT
DSM Operating System Set Admin, SDA Activate Software Packages, Software Sets, and Operating System Sets
DSM Software Package Admin, SDA Activate Software Packages, Software Sets, and Operating System Sets
DSM Software Set Admin, SDA Activate Software Packages, Software Sets, and Operating System Sets
Email Admin, KM, PM, SDA, SDM

Setting Up Email

Email Processing

Email Configuration (Config) Admin

Email Servers

Creating an Inbox

Email Object Name Mapping Admin  
Employee Admin, PM, SDA, SDM Using Employees
Employee Team Admin, ChM, PM, RelM, SDM Using Teams
Employment Type Admin Employment Type
Encryption Key Admin Encryption Keys
Escalation Schedule   Creating an Escalation
External Contact Admin Using External Contacts
External Login Admin Viewing a List of Users with External Login
FAQ Admin, SO Announcements and FAQs
Fulfillment Item Admin, SDA, SDM Fulfill Multiple Software Requests
Fulfillment Item Package Admin, SDM, SO Task and Software Installation Catalogs
Gateway Admin, ConM, IM

Map a Discovered Computer to DSM

Managing Gateway Settings

Hardware Changes IM View Hardware and Software Changes
Identity Store Admin Using the Identity Store
Incident Admin, ChM, ConM, E, IM, KM, PM, RelM, RepM, SDA, SDM Installing and Provisioning Incidents
Integration Admin Manually Running an Activated Connection
Integration History Admin Viewing the Integration Status and History
Integration Log Admin Viewing the Integration Status and History
Integration Queue Admin Viewing the Integration Status and History
Discovery Manager   Using Audits
Inventory Settings Admin, ConM, IM Managing Inventory Settings
Knowledge KM, PM, SDA, SDM, SO Knowledge
Knowledge Advisory Board KM Setting up the Knowledge Advisory Boards
Knowledge Center SS Providing Knowledge Feedback
Languages   Setting up Languages
LDAP Import Log Admin Viewing the LDAP Import Log
Logging Configuration Admin Logging Configuration
Logon History Admin Logon History
Logs Admin Logging
Managed Software   Viewing Configuration Items in the Managed Software Workspace
Milestone Admin, ChM, ConM, IM, PM, RelM, SDA Working with Milestones
My Items All My Items
Notification Admin Creating and Viewing Notifications
OLA Admin Operational Level Agreements
Organizational Unit, Org Unit Admin, ConM, IM Organization Chart
Org Unit Management Admin, IM View and Associate Configuration Items with Organizational Units
Price List   Price List
Problem Admin, ChM, ConM, E, IM, KM, PM, RelM, RepM, SDA, SDM  
Process Wizard Admin Setting Up the Application Using the Setup Wizards
Provisioning Profile Hardware Admin Define Hardware and Software Profiles
Provisioning Profile Software Admin Define Hardware and Software Profiles
Public Key Admin Encryption Keys
Release Admin, ChM, ConM, E, IM, PM, RelM, RepM, SDA, SDM Releases
Release Package ChM, RelM Working with Release Packages
Release Review Board RelM About the Release Review Board
Report Admin, ChM, ConM, E, IM, KM, LM, PM, RelM, RepM, SDM Viewing Reports
Report Templates RepM Report Examples
Request Offerings Admin, SO Working with Request Offerings
Risk Calculator ChM Setting the Risk Level
Risk Level ChM Setting the Risk Level
Roles Admin About Roles
Roles and Permissions Admin About Roles
Run Program History Admin Monitor Progress
Schedule Entry Admin, ChM, ConM, IM

Schedule Entry

Scheduled Synchronization

ScoreCardConfig Admin Using the Score Card
Search All The Configuration Console (Admin UI)
Service E, PM, RelM, SO Services Workspace Index
Service Catalog Admin, SS, SO Service Catalog
Service Level Agreements Admin, SO Service Level Agreements
Service Level Packages Admin Service Level Packages
Service Level Target Admin, SO Service Level Targets
Service Portfolio Admin Service Portfolio
Service Request Admin, PM, SDA, SDM Creating Software and Provisioning Service Requests
Session Timeout Admin Session Timeout
Settings Admin Planning Your Deployment
Skill Admin  
SLA Subscription SO Service Level Agreements
Slave Tenants Admin Slave Tenants
Social Board All Using the Social Board
Software Changes IM View Hardware and Software Changes
Software Installation Task Admin, SDA Creating Software and Provisioning Service Requests
Software Inventory ConM, IM, LM Using Audits
Standard User Team Admin Using Teams
Style Editor Admin Using the Style Editor
Sub Budget Plan Admin Master Budget and Sub-Budget Plans
Supporting Organizations Admin Supporting Organizations
Survey Admin Setting Up Surveys
Survey Metric View Admin Survey Objects
Target Computer Admin Track Progress of Service Requests
Task Admin, ChM, ConM, IM, KM, PM, RelM, RepM, SDA, SDM Tasks
Task Catalog Admin, SDM, SO Task Catalog
Task Catalog Software Installation Admin, SDM, SO Task and Software Installation Catalogs
Task Catalog Status Admin Task Catalog Status
Teams Admin Using Teams
Template Instance Map Admin Task and Software Installation Catalogs
Tenants Admin Integrated Windows Authentication
Tenant Email Mailbox Mapping Admin  
Tenant Email Subject Line Admin  
Timezones Admin Time Zones
Transaction Audit Log Admin, SDM Transaction Audit Log
Underpinning Contract SO Underpinning Contracts
User Interfaces Admin Adding the Social Board to a Role
User Management Admin Finding Role Users
Vendor SDM Creating a Vendor
View Installation State Admin Creating Software and Provisioning Service Requests
Voice Admin Voice
Voice - Agent Group Admin Configuring Group Voice
Voice - Agent Skill Admin  
Voice - Agent Properties Admin Configuring Agent Voice Settings
Voice - Skill Group Admin Configuring Group Voice
Voice - Synch Status Admin Configuring Group Voice
Voice Activity Log Admin Creating Incidents Using IPCM
Workflow Instance Admin, ChM, KM Workflows

Role Legend:

Admin - Administrator

ChM - Change Manager

ConM - Configuration Manager

E - Executive

IM - Inventory Manager

KM - Knowledge Manager

LM - License Manager

PM - Problem Manager

RelM - Release Manager

RepM - Report Manager

SS - Self Service

SO - Service Owner

SDM - Service Desk Manager

SDA - Service Desk Analyst


